Chapter Nine: Through Your Guide

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A plate,
A gift,
A foreshadow,
On who you will become.

Told in the shadows,
Told in the whispers,
Told by others,
On who you will become.

Still, you feel weak.
Still, you cannot see your power.
Still, you let the "works" of others persuade you.
On who you will become.

See your full potential;
See what will come,
See what sits right in your face,
On who you will become.


(A memory; A few days before)


  August helps me hobble over to a small pea plant. His hand rests on my back, to help stabilize myself. I find myself tripping over my own foot. I act like I got two left feet instead of one right, and one left one.

  He catches me, and I start laughing. It's like I am relearning how to walk, without falling over every few steps. After a few seconds, August begins to laugh too. Off in the distance, April watches. She has made it clear that she does not wish to be involved with us right now.

  "Hah, I have two left feet!" I exclaim my thoughts.

  He shrugs, "Well, two left feet is better than no feet at all,"

  I nod. I should be grateful for what I have, rather then make fun of it. "I guess you are right,"

  We come up to a small section in the garden that holds the most life in this land. Different assortments of vegetables, and fruits; none of which I can name, spring up towards the sky. On these, little flowers bud, and blossom out. Some fall off, and instead hold little red balls, or long green stems.

  It is pretty here. I even see a few small critters crawling about on a leaf. One holds a stunning bright red color that shines the sun on its glossy scales. This little fellow, I cannot name either. However, if I were to name him, or her, I would name this shiny bug Bob. That is a sweet name for a sweet creature.

  "There is so much life here," I find myself murmuring.

  I know there was life from where I came from, as well. Yet, this is not the same as my old home. I cannot remember too much from my old life. I am just left with whiffs of emotions that threaten to cloud me. Swallow me whole. These have told me that where I came from was not full of the life that is held here.

  How such a small corner can be filled with so much life. So much more life than a whole world. That I can find myself aimlessly pondering. Similarly to how I am doing right now; in this very moment. I suppose this is because of the people who take care of this garden. They hold the life that can easily pass on, even to a bare land.

  August smiles. "There is a lot of life here," He agrees with my simple words.

  He walks over to one of the only plants I can easily recognize. This is the pea plant, which I only know from his rants on plants such as the kinds that belong to peas. Little white flowers pop out everywhere. They make me smile. These little guys are just so happy.

  "A pea plant," I remind myself so that I do not forget this too. That is one of my biggest fears: Forgetting this life as well.

  He nods, "Yes, this is a pea plant."

  August is never bothered by me. He always listens to me, and to everyone else, as well. He makes sure everyone's voices are heard. That includes April, and myself.

  "How come they survive here? Didn't you tell me one time that they don't do well in the heat?" I ask. Curiosity spikes me, and I hope my words do not come across as rude.

  He smiles, and shrugs again, "Hmm, I like to believe it is the people who take care of them. Since we are obviously so awesome," August nudges me with his elbow, and I laugh, "it must rub off on the plants,"

  I laugh a bit more, "Mhm, yes, we are definitely oh so very awesome. We must be the rulers of this garden!"

  August bends down and picks up a small flower from its hold on a stem. He places it in my hair, "Well, we are now,"

  I smile again. I cannot help but have a memory on someone doing this to another. However, like all other wisps of what I seem to "remember", this, too, is faded. Just a whiff of someone placing a flower in another girl's dark hair.


A/N: Does anything seem rushed to you? If yes, then good. Are you confused on why I say this, well, probably haha — but you will see >:D

Also (as I used to always end off in Forgotten Truths) have a fantastic rest of your day/ night!!

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