Chapter Thirty Four: "The Love-filled Snake"

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When will you learn?
Why did you not learn?
Will you ever learn?
Why can you not just get it in your head,
And learn?

  Will you learn from your past mistakes,
  In which and every way you turn and twist,
  From how your lies,
  Never hold more weight than the truth?

    Have you not seen,
    Have you not been caught up, and choked,
    By your strings and strings of lies?

      Oh, how you had believed,
      That your feeble words could outweigh the truth.

        Your life has proven the consequences of your faults.


(A few days later...)


Over these past few days, nothing but - him - has clogged my mind.

  I sit on a broken stool, as I try and scrub out a dark, stingy red stain on one of my tattered shirts. At least this place has furniture. I should be thankful for that. I should be thankful for each and every good deed that comes my way.

  Yet, I cannot be. I am ungrateful, ever since I scratched open a cut that was never meant to be touched. Over these past few days, I have just let myself bleed out. Over these past few days, I never told April what I was feeling.

  Maybe she would get... jealous or something. 'Good grief, why did that come to my mind first?' I think. It is true, though. I do think that. Now, I don't know why she would be bothered in a way like that, but something in my gut just tells me that it is right.

  'She would probably be upset, or start crying or something - That is, if she even does cry!' I decide to think. That other topic had a bad taste to it. Maybe I should just forget that too, since I am really good at forgetting things.

  My hands are sore from the constant rubbing. This stupid stain will not come out! Its sharp deep red color makes even my eyes sore from staring at it for so long. I am running out of water as well... As are we all.

  I begin to rock back and forth. The stool I am on creaks with each sway I make. I am getting impatient, and this is not working. I wish that I could get drenched again. Then maybe this stain would loosen up, even just a tinge.

  April had no idea where all of the water came from. She had said that ever since the world fell out of balance, that there had never been that much water. Perhaps a small sprinkle of rain here and there. Not a downfall of a rainstorm.

  Dammit, here I go again. I used to rant to myself about August. As if I were some silly teenage girl, who had gotten love sick after reading too many romance novels. I am not really much older from being a teenager.

  Still, though. I went from ranting about August, to switching to thinking about April. What is wrong with me? I can catch myself even beginning to sound like April.

  I went from having my world revolve around August, to have it revolve around April. However, it isn't like I can have them both. I pause from my reckless "cleaning". I snake my hands around my head. My hands are cold, and I try to use that to calm my mind down.

  I need to stop thinking. I need to stop thinking about him. I need to stop thinking about her. When I give too much love towards someone, they have to go. Had August even died? Rather, did he just run away?

  'Snakes. Think of snakes.' I coach myself.

  I remember a fun fact about snakes. They cannot feel love. For whatever reason, they just cannot. They are incapable of it. Hmm, snakes, snake, snake-y-snake. Yes, think of snakes.

  I hear footsteps come towards to me. I look up, oh, it is April. She bends down to my level. I usually think of April as being pretty darn short. As of now, she is as tall as a mountain.

  I have to confess to myself - 'I think I am loosing it,'

  She places a hand on my shoulder, "Is everything okay?"

  I nod. Mhm. Yup. Everything is just fantastic! I am totally not wasting myself away in a corner. Haha - Wasting over the thought of loveless snakes.

  Her eyes narrow. Is she reading my mind or something? "Are you thinking of that August again?"

Except, if I were a snake, I would be a love-filled snake.


A/N: eggplants, or cherries? 😏

Sorry someone, a five year old, asked me that and now I have it stuck in my head :D

Also, sorry for the shorter chapter haha- I am on a bit of a time crunch :DD

GOOD NEWS THOUGH!! I am on summer break! No more finals! No more back breaking stress! (Kinda)

Hopefully I will be able to make even longer chapters!

Unfortunately, I might be a bit delayed for a bit, as summer homework will be coming in hot in about a week, so I will alternate from doing that, to write you all a chapter

(All of these chapters are written ahead of time, and this one will probably be posted, eh, I dunno, maybe a month or two from when it was first written, since these are all spaced out at about two to three days)

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