Chapter Thirty Three: Who You Were?

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Little steps,
One after the other,
So small,
And so meek,

They like to hop,
They like to cheer,
As that is who they are;
Just little steps in the snow,

But it piles up,
The scent of pouring rain,
Which likes to drown out,
Little steps,

The snow is still there,
However it grows,
Higher and higher,
Even with the boiling rain,

It is sopping wet,
It is suffocating,
But this is okay,
Because we can get through this.



  The sky is still dark and dreary, for there it holds no stars. In its cold coloring, it can be easy to get lost. From there, how can we be lost, when we are at home? Not our home, but a home still. A home for someone.

  Small droplets of rain hit my head. 'This is refreshing,' I would think to myself. A small smile slowly begins to creep on my face.

  There has not been that much rain. This is the desert, but a desert of what? Never has it seemed completely full of facts. This place can feel more fiction than truth at times.

  I drown out my thoughts. A dark ceiling is over my head. It protects, as that is its job. It acts similarly to a shield from the sun. However, this will not let me see outside.

  Not unless I use my imagination. There is a sky beyond the roof. Through the cracks in its old foundation, I can catch a glimpse of just this. I see what I am afraid to see, but I still have enough protection to not fully see that.

  I feel the rain's soft touch. It caresses my hair, to make it smooth and slick. It brushes out any knots that stiffen my hair. It washes out the grit and sand which had begun to build up in my hair over my time here.

  My hair had a lighter blonde coloring. Now, it is brown. Rather, more of a darker color now. Like the black hues of the beast which had used whoever April had once known. There are some eye colors which are close to black, but are really just a very dark brown. Those were black; black as the night's sky.

  I reach my hands out towards the sky. Really, this is just towards the roof. Yet, the roof is where the rain comes from. Its small patterns do not originate from outside, where it is still hot, and the heat blazes.

  I think back to August. This world is strange. This world is nowhere near the one which used to hold me. It has been revenged   by anger. This place used to be good, until a shadowed hand grazed it, and flipped it around.

  August could have been like that as well. I always saw him as a good person. I had him set out to be higher than April. It all could have been fake, though. His true intentions could be the ones he had been hiding all along.

  When we die, we appear as one of the stars in the sky above me. At least, that is what I have been told. However, the sky only holds two stars. One for the intruder April had killed off when they rode in to destroy our little world of peace. The other was for her ill relative.

  No, he could have never been so horrible. I need to stop. I need to stop creating these scenarios about people, and past loved ones. Do I even know what August may have done? No, no I do not. I sound like April as of now, but this is all true.

He never did anything wrong.



  That is right. He was just a good man, who killed himself to save me. I miss him - I really do miss him. My world has been tilted on its side ever since he had... died. If he even did die. My green hues drift back up towards the sky. I cannot find him there.

  "Ugh, I feel like crying," I grumble to myself.

  There is literally no one I am talking to. I am just sitting under a drenched roof, while I think deep little thoughts on life. Good job, C. I hug my knees to my chest.

  If August was here, he would know just what to say to make me feel better. He always could do that. He just always had that special way with words.

  Now, though, my heart feels heavy without him. I missed him, and, if I really do, or did, know what love was, then I did love him. I wish he was here. I wish I could drag him back.

  I am sulking right now. I feel like one of August's sagging potatoes. He was an open would that begun to heal. He had scabbed over in my mind, and had closed up. However, I just had to scratch it open again. Now I sit here to let it bleed.

  There is no one here to comfort me. I am crying with the rain, and bleed with its red colors. There is no one here, but there is. Beside me, there is April. She is here.

  For now, it is my time to keep watch. I will watch out for anyone who comes to harm us. April is sleeping, and I would rather not bother her with my silly tears.


A/N: Is August evil? You tell me, because I dunno

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