Chapter Thirty Five: To be a Cracked Vase

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   When could a bring learn to spread her wings?
   When could she learn the lessons on truth?
   "The truth will set you free,"
   So she should stick to it,

  Do not make up extra tales,
  For they will always catch up to you,
  Sooner, or later,

The longer they soak,
The more they will boil,

To boil off her wings.



  I blink at her. How in the whole wide, burnt-out world, did she just read my mind? Hell, I joked about her being a mind reader. I never knew she really was!

  "How did you just read my mind?" I blurt. My eyes grow wide as I scan her face thoroughly.

  She rolls her eyes, and stares at me. "...What?"

  "Yeah, how did you read my mind? Is there, like, some kind of poison you drank," I begin to rant. I sway my hands around as I try to form what the poison, or potion, she could have drank.

  I envision the bottle of... whatever I had in mind. The slow curve from the rounder bottom. Then, as it grows more skinny towards the top. I am swerving my hands about to give April an image of what I mean.

  I need more depth, though. I imagine it's gentle texture. I imagine how the glass of the bottle may be chipped. Perhaps the potion would be green. Oops, I told her "poison, and not "potion".

  I quickly correct myself. "- Potion, I meant potion - that gave you the magical ability to read minds?"

  Wait. How do I show a "gentle texture" to April? Do I gently pat the imaginary bottle? Uhm, I guess so. I can't think of anything else.

  I stroke the air. April looks as though she is trying not to laugh. How rude! I put on a whole show, plus a description, and this is what I get? A few giggles?

  She looks me up and down. I drop my hands to the side. "Ugh! How rude!"

  "You have me wishing I was that vase or whatever," April mumbles.

  I blink at her. I am so confused. What does she mean? Why would April want to be a vase? - It was not even a vase!


"Never mind."

  She rolls her eyes again. Can she stop that? This whole little thing she has going is really getting on my nerves. First, she disrespects me, second, she disrespects me some more, and now she starts rolling her eyes around.

  "You are too innocent; too naive," She leans over, and pinches my cheek.

  I lean back. I still don't get what she means. Is this because I was confused because of her wanting to be a "vase"? Any normal person would be confused! Any sane person would think she is nuts. Unless... She isn't sane!

  I gasp. Woah, she isn't sane. She is a vase. Vases do not have any brains. No, she is a shattered vase. Woah. Woah. Woah.

  "What are you even saying?" I ask her. I peer at her through my eyes that are definitely not upset.

  She rolls her eyes, yet again. "Never mind. Stay that way, C. Stay innocent."

  I don't even respond. She has completely lost it. I am sure. I thought I was nuts, but I was wrong. She is the one who is nuts.

  One day, her eyes are going to roll back into her head, and she won't be able to see anything anymore, because of how much she rolls them. Well, she would see something. She would see her brain. That is, if she even has a brain.

  I shake my head. 'Stop being so negative, C. You sound like April now,"

  April is so much more positive now. Well, it is not really positivity that she shows. It is... Sarcasm. Yes, that is the word. Sarcasm.

  I just smile. Smiling is positively, and we definitely need more of that. I know there was something, or someone, that we were supposed to talk about. That April would have helped me get rid of any sadness over. However, she helped me achieve happiness in another way.

Maybe she is changing...?


A/N: Kinda more of a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it!!

(I may or may not be working on a possible ship...)

I had envisioned 50-55 chapters for this story, but I may just get to 45 sadly... Maybe. Maybe not. I will see how much I can do before more summer work comes barreling in!

(That happens June 15th, and as of when I am writing this, it is June 8th; I will try to do 2 chapters a day if I can. Sorry if they become a tinge shorter :,D)

Howeverrr, there will probably be a book 2!! By probably, I mean yes, there will be! (That is, if Shakira likes this book (Recap: "Shakira" is one of the nicknames, the main nickname of a great friend who I am writing this book for!! Their account is: @AnEnigmaChoice, and I definitely recommend checking it out!!))

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