Chapter Twenty Four~ "Sun Tribe, or Sun Territory, or something,"

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Follow me,
Follow me into the garden,
Full of roses,
And their thorns;

Follow me,
Follow me as we play—
So lighthearted,
Without a care in the world,

Follow me,
Follow me when we cry,
As there is no such idea of fear,
Until it is planted in you.



We continue on with our walk. We could be walking anywhere — With no cares in the world. We could be taking a stroll in a cute little garden. Just like the one back at the old house.

However, we walk into the unknown. April says she knows where we are going. Does she really, though? Probably not; those are probably words she says to make her feel like she is in control. Really, fate has its hands on what will happen to us.

I can only pray that it will be good.

We share stories, back and forth. The sun has only begun to slip back up. The feeble stories are what keeps us in line. For soon, the sun's harsh gaze will rise again, and we will be dead by the time it reaches its peak in the sky.

"If all of the stars are gone," I say, as our conversation of the tribes has basically died off now, "Then why is that damn sun still here?"

April shrugs. "I dunno. It just is."

"Well, you say you know why the rest of them left. So why is that one still here?" I ask.

"I only know what I have been told," She replies, "I cannot think for myself,"


That is quite ironic. I recall her telling me those same words. More like, she yelled them to August, and I overheard them by accident. Sometimes everything is just easier to deal with when you blame your faults on another person, or being. Then, they are not your faults, or issues. Then, they are another's problems.

"...Maybe it is because we are in the sun's territory," April finally states, "So it cannot leave us,"

"That sounds like that story you told me about earlier, the one with all of the tribes, and territories, and leaders," I say, although I am still a tinge of a bit confused on it.

She clarifies what I am talking about, since even I don't really know what I say. I just say it. "That story about how the whole world began to die?"

I nod, "Yup!"

Wow, I sound so happy. Especially over such a grim story — With such a horrible fate. That will not be our fate, I just know it!

"Hmm, well maybe we could name this place Sun Tribe, or Sun Territory, or something," April mumbles.

I grin, "I like that! I wonder if that Edge-person would rule over it. Sure, she did have a pretty weird name, but I can't help but feel bad for her."

April begins another rant, "Yeah... Maybe. Maybe she would rule over it. She had become Queen because her lover had been killed by his father, and there were no other heirs. She had been misused for years and years by a mentor, who was supposed to be there for her, and show her how to rule. After all her and her remaining friends had gone through, they turned on her."

"Oh wow, I'm sorry," I apologize, "I didn't mean for this to get so personal,"

"What?" April grumbles.

"Uhm, never mind," I just decide to change the topic. "Were you really born in April, or is it just a name your parents liked? Did they just like the season, ooh, did something special happen in April?"

"What?" April raises an eyebrow.

I am really thirsty. "Yeah!"

She shakes her head, and pinches the skin between her eyebrows. "Good world, I don't know! I wasn't born in April, but the rest of your insane questions I have no answers to."

"Oh. What month were you born in?" I am kinda hungry too.

"Do you even know all of the months?" She turns a question onto me.

I play with the ends of my hair. "I know... August, and April, and, er, H, and C,"

"The first two are months, but the other two are letters," April explains.

I nod. That makes sense. I was just blurting out random words. I had no idea what I was saying. Again, I just said whatever came to mind. I think the hunger is getting to me. Like, really, really getting to me. Also being thirsty, too.

I still don't know who "H" is. Apparently, "H" does mean something. It is a... What did April call it? Oh, it's a letter. Something that helps to form words. How? Somehow.

"What's that?" I ask. Something catches my attention.

It is an old house. Its dark wood, and rotting exterior is definitely not pleasing. Maybe this was the place April had been talking about. There is one side of the wall which has more of a clean texture.

"Shh!" April snatches my hand, and pulls me down to the sandy ground.

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