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(Ruth Ashton , 25 years old , Mafia Boss)

"Are you going to stand there all day ? now look who's wasting time" Marcus says with a smirk.

I glared at him and started walking towards my private jet "I want her complete bio on my desk, her name, background, everything".

He was taken back for a second and then a smile playing on his face "I didn't think I'll get to see this day. Finally you are showing some interest in a woman here I thought you would die as a monk"  This bart he's finding this amusing.

"Shut your mouth unless you don't want to be six feet under the ground " I said giving him a death glare.

I don't blame him even though I'm surprised by my reaction to that little deer in white dress looking like an angel.

I'm the most feared Mafia Boss. I have no time for a girlfriend or a relationship and most of the women don't interest me.

My father was a don and when he retired it was my birth right to take his place.

Even though it was my birth right I worked hard to earn that position Started from the bottom and now here I am. One look from me and they are as good as dead.

Marcus is my bestfriend and also my right hand man. The only person who I trust completely. We have known each other since we took birth.

His father was my father's right hand man. His personality is completely opposite of mine, most of the time he's a brat always finding ways to annoy the hell out of me.

Finally boarded the plane it's a four and half hour journey from LA to New York. I came to LA for a meeting with an Arms dealer and it went as I expected.

My thoughts turn back to the angle in white who bumped into me at the airport. Never did I think I would encounter such a beautiful thing.

The moment I looked at her she took my breath away.
She was so small her head barely reached my shoulders.

Those soft and silky hair loose falling on her shoulders. Her green eyes and those lips damn how could someone be so beautiful.

That little gasp when she saw my face I know she liked what she saw and also the fear i sensed from her trying to get away like a little deer, a smile started forming at the corner of my lips from that thought and I immediately schooled my face.

And when I heard her voice it was like music to my ears. I wanted her to say more, if I had asked her that she would have assumed that I'm crazy.

The way she smacked her head to get it straight was cute.

She was very delicate I realised that When I took hold of her arm. So delicate and fragile that it wouldn't even take strength for someone to crush her effortlessly.

I frown because that thought didn't sit now that I laid my eyes on her...


And just like that the smile is back again. What did she do to me ?? it was just a few minutes of encounter.

"Do you even realise the faces you are making. One moment you are smiling and then frowning and then angry and then back to smiling. My friend if I had not known you better I would say you have gone mad"
Marcus says sitting across from me and watching with amusement.

If given a chance he might as well get a popcorn and watch me as if I'm a fucking cartoon "looks like you don't love your dear life anymore..maybe I should throw you out of the plane" i say glaring at him.

"Ahhhh"  throwing his hand in the air "is this how you treat your best friend I'm mad don't talk to me"  he said dramatically and I couldn't help but laugh.

I wonder what my little deer name is. I'll know it soon anyway...

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