dont touch yumi's stuff

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"DONT TOUCH THAT!" Yumi yelled as another girl reached in her backpack, "and what are you gonna do about it?" The girl that was reaching into the backpack said. Yumi didn't respond, then they took the backpack, and walked away. All Yumi had left, was the picture of her and Ellisabelle. Yumi told her mom everything, and her mom called in to school and said Yumi couldn't come in today. Yumi went to her room and started to read a book, it was about two girls named, Charlie and Alex, they were teased for having boy names.  she sat on her bed for about an hour and a half reading the four hundered and fifty eight page book. And she finished it, (she was on page three hundred twelve when she started) when she was done, she got up and went to the kitchen to get a snack. Yumi got I the fridge and grabbed an Apple. Then she asked her mom if she could run down to the bookstore down the street and buy anew book, and mom said yes. So Yumi went outside to the backyard and grabbed her scooter. She rode it down the road to the book store. When she got there the three girls where there paying for books with Yumi's mom's credit card, (which she borrowed when her and Ellisabelle went to the beach) she ran in and dived on to the girl and knocked the credit card out of her hand. "And what do you think your doing? The girl punched Yumi in the stomach, making her go flying backwards into the window and breaking it. "UGH!" Yumi got up and dived on the girl again, "MORGAN!" Another girl screamed. "I-it's ok Jennifer..." Morgan said, and got up and ran into Yumi, pushing her out the window, and sliding all the way across the street, cutting yumi's entire left side. "Jennifer, Alexia, go home, I don't need help." The two other girls walked home, leaving Yumi and Morgan.

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