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Tashara Amani

"Bae I missed you. You weren't there when I woke up so I had Hayleigh come get me." I talked on the phone with Sekani.

"I know ma but you could've waited until I got back." He said while looking up because he was driving.

"Where you going anyway?" I asked. "Finna check the east then I'll be to your house."

"Okay boo. I love you." I hung up.

I ended up going to instagram to post that I restocked and watched some stories while at it.

1𝘬𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘯 2 𝘩𝘳𝘴

I looked, screenshotted, zoomed in, zoomed back out just to make sure I wasn't tripping

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I looked, screenshotted, zoomed in, zoomed back out just to make sure I wasn't tripping.

"This nigga got my name on his neck?" I gasped. "No. Yes he did. This nigga is crazy."

I called him because boo when you do this?

"Open the door, I'm finna pull up." He said then hung up.

The fuck?

I went to open the door and he was standing there with some food. "Hey ma." He kissed my forehead.

"When was this?" I tilted his head. "Yesterday." He picked me up carrying me to my room.

He placed me on my bed with the food and took his clothes off getting in the bed as well.

I ate while he sat watching something on my tv looking completely dazed.

Once I finished my food I threw my trash away and headed back into my room. I lied down by him and he put his head on my chest and rubbed my stomach. "No bae get up."

"Lemme sleep ma." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes and rubbed his dreads. "I love you too you hung up before I could say it back." He mumbled after a minute.

"Can you stop playing and grab the fucking chips?" I popped Kani in his chest. "Now if I was to hit your soft ass back."

I rolled my eyes as he g grabbed the chips. He wanted to go to the beach for a picnic date at 8:00 at night.

After getting everything we went to check out. I love walmart.

"You're disgusting." He mugged me as I dipped my oreo in my caramel. "Don't call it nasty if you never tried it."

He waved me off as he put everything in the car.

He got in the car and pecked my lips before starting the car.

"Nigga. Covid not real." He stressed. "Yes the fuck it is dude. I had that shit before." I argued back. "No the fuck it's not. Nigga you had the flu or a common cold. That covid shit a hoax."

"I'm not finna sit here and argue with you." I rolled my eyes. "Then don't." I turned in his direction. "Stop always acting like you gotta have the last word."

"And do." He mumbled turning the music up. It's taking a lot out of me not to swing on this nigga.

He arrived to the beach and we both got out. He set every thing up while I got the snacks out the car.

"The sun finna set." I stretched. "That's why we here mama."

"When you think you ready to have kids?" He asked. I shrugged. "I haven't thought about it. Probably in 2 years maybe."

This just made me think.. I haven't been feeling good these past couple weeks. Everyday I wake up feeling so nauseous.

Sometimes I throw up sometimes I don't but it constantly feels like I have to.

"Sekani, last time we fucked did you nut in me?" I asked him. "I always do. I got you a plan b after."

He right I did take a plan b. I'm trippin.

We watched the sun set and talked about everything on our minds. He grabbed all our trash and threw it away.

I waited for him and carried some stuff back to the car while he got the rest.

"Go ahead get in the car I got this." He kissed my cheek. I sat in the car waiting for him to finish.

He got in the car attaching his lips to mine. "I'm fucking you so good when we get to the crib ma." He said then pecked my lips again before starting the car.

(Yes I got bored and edited him a tattoo of her name. Idk.😂😂😂😂😂)

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