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ahh first time writer! i'm so excited for people too read this book because i absolutely adore it. i'm still in the process of writing so please please please bare with me. i'll try to get updates out quite often. stay safe, tpwk.

ellie payne.

"please can you tell him i say hello!!" she said while shoving clothes into my suitcase. i couldn't even keep up with what she was putting in there, i just had to go along with it. "chlo i don't think you understand how badly i don't want to go on this holiday" i laughed to her. "oh shut up, your gonna be on holiday with two of the hottest men in history, and you don't want to go?!" she smiled.

i was absolutely sickened by the two. i knew harry was hot, and ill admit that i do have a soft spot for him. but im literally ellie payne, liams sister. i'm not vital to the band, and i have nothing to do with them apart from just being related to liam. everyone in school knows and i have people coming up to me, asking me for autographs off of liam, as if i was going to bring his autograph into school everyday..?

i turned back to chloe and started speaking. "it's not just that, i do like harry, im just dreading it because i don't want to be on holiday with him after what happened last time we spoke" i spoke up. i swallowed the lump in my throat and coughed quietly. "what? when he hugged you ??" she said as if it was nothing. "i don't hug people !! he should of asked first, it was basically a form of sexual assault" i protested. "shut up and pack"

chloe finished "helping" me pack and went home. i was so bored without her here so i went into the living room. i walked through the door frame and i was met with liam and harry, both playing some sort of game on liams ps3.

my eyes met harry's and he looked straight back at the tv. "what do you want" liam said, without even moving his head. he somehow knew i was looking over them. "nothing, i didn't know haz was here"

haz.. why the fuck did i call him haz.

the last time i saw him he hugged me without asking and the other times he didn't even talk to me much.

i heard liam let out a laugh as i turned around, hiding my face that was as red as a tomato. "yeah surprise elles" i heard a unfamiliar, yet familiar voice speak up.

it was harry.

elles was my family nickname, why was he calling me elles?

"shut up harry" i said. he laughed and listened to me. i'm guessing he didn't want to annoy me, since we were gonna probably be around each other for 4 days straight.

i went back into my room and had a nap.

i woke up and a couple hours had passed. harry was gone now so i got out of bed and walked into the same living room where harry and liam were sat. i think i did like harry, but he was too big and famous to go out with someone like me. he's playing arenas in the same band as my brother and he just didn't seem too like me.

i went to sat on the sofa, next to my mother. after i plonked myself down liam spoke up almost instantly. "oh look where your sat, exactly where harry was earlier" he blurted out. "i don't love harry, and im just sat next to mum" i murmured.

i was sat in the same place... so he was partly right but i didn't love harry, i had a tiny crush on him, what i knew of him.

i turned my head to mum, locking eye contact with her. "you may not like this" she said whilst scrolling through her iphone 5. "your in the same room as harry and liam" she followed with.

my stomach dropped to the floor.


"mum are you joking" i said. "no i've just checked the app" she said while putting her phone down. "your stuck with haz and liam", she said smirking and emphasising on harry's name.

"im not going" i said while getting up. "yes you are" she shouted. i walked into my room, picking up my phone off of my bed and jumping on it.

i messaged chloe straight away, i knew she would be astatic if she knew i was staying in the same room as them. i messaged her and put my phone down. i turned on the tv and turned on friends. i fell asleep to the sounds of laughter and chatter on the show.

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