20 0 3

ellie payne.

"i've been cutting myself" i admitted.

id never told anyone about this, chloe was too popular and she wouldn't of cared. she would of laughed. i had no emotion in this moment in time, with harry next too me.

his large hands engulfed my thigh and he ran his thumb back and forth.

"ellie look, i know it's hard but i am always here for you, i know people say that and don't mean it but i genuinely am here for you. this whole holiday i will be right by your side and i don't want to let you out of my sight" he stated, looking into my eyes, with tears forming in the corners.

a tear streamed down my face and i looked down to his hand. "can i see?" he asked. if this was anyone else i would of thought it was a bit disrespectful, asking to see self harm scars, but with harry it was different. i trusted him for some reason. he could easily run back and tell liam and that was the one thing from stopping me showing him.

"you promise you won't tell liam or anyone else" i asked looking up at him. "i pinky promise" he said holding his pinky out.

he can be a cutie.

i didn't want to fall in love with harry or anything, but if anything was going too change that, it would be this moment. i decided to show him and his jaw dropped as i pulled my joggers down. i had shorts on underneath because i knew i would be cold in the car and the airport back home. a tear fell down my face and fell off my face, landing on my bare leg.

i had no idea what to say or do, he just looked at it from multiple angles. "are you okay?" he asked looking up and down flicking between my face and thighs.

"im fine, can we not talk about it tho?" i protested. "of course" he said pulling up my joggers for me. "what you wearing when we're going out tonight then?" he asked me while getting up.

he put out his hand and i took it out of trust. "good question , you wanna pick?" i said, slightly trying to flirt with him. "sure, what my options?" he smiled. "you'll have too see what slutty dresses chloe chucked in my suitcase"

we walked up to the hotel room, taking a detour down too a random alleyway thing. "what are we doing?" i laughed. "can i kiss you?" he asked.

i was so shocked. i swallowed the dry lump in my throat and nodded slowly. he pushed his hands against a wall, trapping me inside his chest. he kissed me softly.

his lips colliding with mine just felt ... right. i'm hoping he will be my last first kiss but i knew i would just be another number too just add to his kiss count.

he pulled away and started breathing heavily. "har-" he cut me off by cupping his hand over my mouth. i grabbed my arm and ripped it down. "what are you doing, why'd you cover my mouth?" i asked him. "i thought i heard someone sorry" he spoke up.

i walked down the rest of the alleyway, him trailing behind me as we walked up too the room. i knocked on the door and liam opened it. "chuck on some better clothes were getting you drunk tonight" liam said as soon as he greeted us. "isn't she only 16?" harry said as i walked off. "don't take the piss, your saying you never drunk till you were 18?" liam asked him.

"harry come here please" i shouted with passion. "cominggg" he spoke. liam going into the bathroom to probably finish shaving since he had half a beard on when he opened the door.

i pulled harry around the corner and grabbed the side of his face. i held both my hands on his face and brought him down too my face to kiss him again. knowing that i was getting drunk again tonight made the adrenaline in me start running. i started kissing him more passionately.

i heard liam unlock the bathroom door and i quickly pulled away, his arm wrapped around my back. i jumped out of his arms and grabbed a random dress. it was an ankle long black dress with short sleeves up to the top of my upper arms.

i ran into the bathroom with the dress in my hand and pretended like nothing happened. i had no idea what had just happened and what had gotten into me for me to just kiss my brothers best friend so boldly. im not like that.

i was getting dressed and i didn't really like the dress. i kept it on because i needed too go get something else. "you look nice" harry complemented me, with liam in the room. it was so tense but i smiled and went into my bag for my makeup. i wanted too change my dress, but after harry said those three words, there was no way i was changing. knowing that harry styles thinks i look good in a dress just boosted my confidence way too much.

i walked into the bathroom and started layering makeup on my face, dreading the fact i had too come back too the room and take it off soon.

i finished doing my makeup and they were both so excited for us to leave. liam thought that this would be my first time ever getting drunk but he was very wrong. i grabbed my phone and a little purse that i brought away with me, with a red cherry lipgloss in it and put my phone in.

i was so sleep deprived, even though i had so many hours last night. it felt like a very long day and i was ready to drink away my problems. i walked next to harry, liam leading us around as if he had been here before.

we went down to the restaurant and saw mum and dad waiting for us all. "hurry up" mum mouthed, waving her hand at us. i walked over to the table and sat down. harry was very quick to sit next too me and our legs touched quickly under the table.

i looked down and looked up, then at mum. neither of us stopped the contact, and it was slightly comforting. i wanted too just leave and go get drunk but i had to eat. this was the first time harry would see me eat and i didn't imagine it too be in tenerife ill be honest.

the waitress came over too us and obviously harry started flirting with her and talking too her like she was his girlfriend. it was minging to see and even thinking about it now is making me want to throw up.

15 minutes past an our food got brought over to us. harry gave the nameless waitress a cocky smile and she walked away.

my food still hadn't come yet and harry brought his hand under the table and onto my thigh. he rubbed his finger back and forth comforting me for some reason, but it felt nice.

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