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liam payne.

ellie and harry were acting so weird, they have been all day. harry waited for her on the plane instead of waking her up, he went to find her, he picked out an outfit for her.

we were down at the restaurant and she sat next to him. when the waitress came over it was like ellie didn't even exist. i know she has a little thing for harry and i don't want to ruin that for her, but there's a lot of things she doesn't know about him. i know i tease her about being in love with him but i just can't have her falling in love with harry.

our food came over but ellie's wasn't there. harry kept asking her if she was okay and she kept laughing and saying yes. i'm starting to get a bit worried about her. she has barely been eating recently and i haven't seen her with food for at least a week. i don't know if it's on purpose or not but it's still important she eats.

i hope she's okay.

i would ask her about everything, but if im right, i dont want her to feel pressured too tell me.

ellies food finally came over, she ordered a bowl of soup and a piece of bread. there was no way that was going to fill her up. i needed to say something.

i felt so horrible but i decided not to say anything. especially not in front of everyone, and harry.

i guess i'm not making their little crush thing any better but i absolutely refuse to sleep in the same bed as harry styles.


i watched ellie eat the soup, spoon full by spoon full.

god i wished she used a fork.

i was finally finished with my steak and harry was done with his burger. ellie almost finished her soup, but i had to make sure she had something in her stomach, you can't get drunk with nothing in your stomach !!

she finished her food and we went out too the bar. all inclusive, fucking get in.

"3 tequila shots!!" harry banged on the bar. "coming straight up" the bartender shouted as if it was normal. i was in awe of what just happened but i was excited about the shots.

the same bartender came up to the table the 3 of us were sat on and brought over 6 shots. fuck yeah !!!

i picked up both and swallowed it as if it was water. the liquid slightly burning the back of my throat, but do able.

i watched ellie as she chucked back the shots. "that's foul!!" she moaned. "shut it you it's nice!" harry said, flirtatiously. i stood there on a bit of an adrenaline rush and i just started jumping around.

i ran to one side of the resort, right to the other.

the bartender came over again with 2 shots each, i didn't want ellie to over do it or anything but i needed to see her drunk because i know how much of a mug she would be.

i could tell it was already getting to her, since she didn't even flinch when the burn went down her throat.

it was about 20 minutes later and we were all getting more and more drunk and then mum came over. she pulled me aside, leaving harry and ellie on their own.

"did you see harry's hand on ellie's thigh in dinner?" she whispered at me, while looking at their flirtatious behaviour. he tucked her hair behind her ear and after that i spun around. i couldn't bare think about them two together. mum went up on the balls of her feet to talk to me again. "watch she doesn't get too drunk". i nodded and walked back to the table.

"everything okay?" i asked harry. "yeah why wouldn't it be?" he said with red lip gloss over his chin.

"who's lip gloss is that?" i asked in a stern voice. i looked at ellie, with a lip gloss in her hand, on her lips and her cheeks as red as tomatoes.

"oh my god you two kissed?" i said while slamming my closed fist down on the table. ellie flinched at the sound and stepped back. harry pulled her back to where he was stood, with one hand on her hip.

"liam it was only a joke" harry spoke up.

"i don't care"

i stormed off to the other bar in the hotel. i sat up at the bar and ordered just straight vodka. the bartender just handed me the bottle. pretty privilege honestly. i started taking massive swigs of the drink and letting it travel down my throat.

ellie and harry were running around the place, trying to find me. i could see them asking around, then running to the next person.

harry walked up to the bar, opposite end to me, but close enough so i could still hear him. "have you seen anyone who's about this tall" while holding his hand out. "goes by the name of liam payne" he added.

"he's down there" the bartender pointed at me with the towel he previously had on his shoulder. "finally!!" harry exclaimed.

he ran up to me, holding ellie's hand. "we've been looking everywhere for you" he murmured. "yeahhhhhh" ellie slurred. "she's fucking pissed, chuck me the key card please" harry demanded. "i will when you let go of her hand" i said. "li please will fall over if i let go of her".

i got the key card from my pocket and handed it to him drunkly. he took it off me and picked up ellie bridal style to stop her from stumbling all over the place.

i was a bit worried about leaving harry and ellie on their own, but i cant imagine harry doing anything like that to me.

i stayed down at the bar. i took one more sip of the bottle, about half way down.

all the sounds around me started getting muffled and i felt like the world was turning in on me. the last thing i saw was black.

liams so protective hello?

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