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half of this chapter went up two days ago and the other half went up this morning. the second half is what chapter 9 was but i thought it would be better to put them together.

tw : mention of physical assault and child abuse

ellie payne.

i left his hand down by my thigh until he moved it back up. "okay but like stop" i turned my head too him and whispered. i was being genuinely serious and i think he understood. i moved my legs over to one side and turned too face mum over the other side of the table, so my legs were out of reach.

i had no energy too do anything and harry was just stressing me out even more. i was still thinking about the thing with dean and it was so weird to think about. everything just all happened so quickly. was dean out of the hotel room?

"you okay?" harry asked. i nodded frantically and smiled. "okay" he mouthed and rubbed my arm up and down. i felt so comfortable with him i don't know how to explain it. ever since that first message he sent too me in the car, everything has been a fever dream.

i was so ready to get some drinks down me and just forget about everything after food.

our food came, taking a bit longer than yesterday but there were more people there tonight. i ate half of my food and then went straight to the bar. on my way there i saw dean. i ran into the bathroom to avoid him and i slipped.

i couldn't see anything and my head was hurting so bad. i tried too speak but my mouth wasn't letting me. all of a sudden i could hear muffled talking and people grabbing me by my arms and legs. they took me over from off of the floor and put me on what felt like a sofa.

"what's your name" someone asked. "we need to get in contact with whoever she's here with" someone else spoke. my vision was slowly coming back but was still blurry.

i tried to speak again but i still couldn't. someone else came over and looked over me. she was blonde and had wavy hair. she was so pretty , but i recognised her. i blinked a couple times and i figured out who it was. it was olivia. olivia was this lovely girl from school that i don't talk too much.

she's in most of my classes but she has her friends and i have mine. i decided i should probably say hello or something considering i actually know her. "she's here with liam payne and harry styles" she shouts over to the crowd. by this point they had all stopped starring at me and had all stepped back. i looked up at her in pain." thankyou".

i whispered it and with all the live music i didn't think she heard. "it's alright babe don't worry i've got people going to find your brother and harry okay?" she said. i felt so confused by the whole situation.

why was dean making me feel like this?

i was so scared of what liam would say if he knew i was running from dean, since he thinks i like him or something. i did, and he would of got a chance if it wasn't for the whole strangling situation, and him showing up in my hotel room!

"ellie what the fuck happened" liam said while pushing olivia out of the way. my vision was fully back by this point and i could tell he was so annoyed. i had no idea how long he had been drinking for since i could smell the liquor on him. "what's happened darling" harry asked me. "harry stay the fuck out of this mate" liam slapped him across the face. "both of you stop it!" olivia spoke up. this was her first time meeting liam and harry i wonder what she thought of them.

i'm gonna guess she thought harry was kind, loving and hot, which he is. and i'm gonna guess she thought liam was angry, mean and rude, which he can be. "i'm sorry" i turned to harry. "i fell over when i was running im sorry" i panicked. "calm down now baby, he's over reacting i promise you did nothing wrong. i looked over and liam was gone.

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