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short chapter but a good one.

harry styles.

we got into the queue for the plane, my arm still over her shoulders. i don't know why i had my arm around her, but she didn't stop me. she was probably shocked because the hottest man ever had his arm around her.

as we walked down the terminal gate i could hear her swallowing the lump in her throat. i didn't say anything. we got to the end of the terminal and waited for the rest of her family. i could see the fear in her eyes, the fact it was me and her alone. i don't know why, im trusting, but she probably just doesn't trust me because she doesn't know me.

even though i never talk too her, i hope she would still trust me with her life. i know id trust her with my life but i can tell she doesn't.

she saw my tantrum earlier because i didnt want to take my watch off. i don't know why i made it such a big deal, maybe it was because i was tired.

im worried about her, she didn't have anything to eat earlier and i could hear her stomach growling. "you okay" i whispered in a low tone. "im fine" she said while looking up at me and giving a fake smile. i think she actually thought i was stupid enough to think it was a real smile.

the rest of hers and liams family came down, including liam. "what you two gonna start fucking now?" he asked. "liam leave them alone" their mother whisper shouted.

ellie shook her head and laughed "your unbelievable" she said, aimed at liam. "just telling you that i wouldn't be surprised, since you have a little crush on him!!!" he whispered, but loud enough so i could hear. "mum tell him!" she shouted.

their mother gave them both a look and they stopped. i felt a bit bad, considering it didn't seem like ellie wanted to be here, and i would probably be the one too ruin the holiday.

i took my arm from her shoulders and she looked at me as if i did something wrong. we walked over to the plane and got on. we were in the middle of the plane, her by the window, liam in the middle, and me on the end.


louis messaged me again, wanting to get an answer out of me. "mate you know i like ellie, but we're in the same room, we had a little moment coming down to the airport and the plane and it's gonna be hard being around her knowing i can't just grab her and kiss her".

i pressed send, without anyone seeing. "phones away and on airplane mode for the safety brief please" the flight attendant's shouted. "sorry" i apologised. i put my phone on airplane mode and put it on my lap. ellie was looking at me getting almost told off by this random flight attendant. "you silly bitch" she mouthed. "shut it" i said while knocking my head back.

i turned my body and faced the flight attendant a couple rows in front, watching her do the safety brief and before i knew it, we were in the sky.

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