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ellie payne.

we took off after harry was being a complete knob. he was making me laugh, but that was a bad thing, considering he thinks i like him. i can't tell if i do or not. he is so funny and i've had different views on him since the start of this holiday and we've only taken off an hour ago.

i was worried about what the situation would be like in the room. like if it was a 3 person room, harry and liam are both classed as adults and im still 16 so i would be in the child's bed, and they would share the double bed.. right?

i tried not too think about it too much because i knew i would break out into a panic attack or something. there was no way i was sleeping in the same bed as liam. that's absolutely disgusting. i don't want to sleep in the same bed as harry but it's better than sleeping with liam. it would be an absolute heaven if i could have the child's bed too myself but i know theres no way i will get it.

i put in my headphones and went to sleep. when i woke up everyone but one person was stood up in front of me. i could hear the figure saying my name. "ellie wake up mate" harry said. i jumped in fear. no one else was on the plane apart from me and him. "where is everybody?" i asked. "they're all inside waiting for us, you wouldn't wake up so they said i had too stay with you till you did" he stated.

"did you not want to stay with me?" i asked, trying to change the subject. "of course i did, i actually volunteered, but were not going to talk about that okay?" he said while holding his hand out to me at the end. he opened his eyes wider quickly, signaling me to get up and hold his hand.

i grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. my music still blasting in my ears with my hood up. he had his hand on my shoulder, and both our bags on each of his shoulders. "why have you got my bag?" i asked. "you want to carry it?" he said holding it out infront of me. i decided to ignore the question and put my head down.

i couldn't stop thinking about what he said in the car.

"don't be in a mood, your too pretty" my mind kept replaying the moment in my head.

i tried to ignore it, but i kept looking up at him and he would look back down and give me the same old cocky smile. "are we friends or not?" my mouth spoke my mind. "that's up to you darling" he said with no hesitation.

i looked back at my feet walking frantically. i needed to get to the hotel and just get into a bed. i was so tired and needed too nap before we went out. it was 12:29pm, and we could check in anytime after 2pm. at first i thought this would be a piss take, but now i think we would be there by 3ish more like.

we walked into the passport control area, his arm still over my shoulder. we walked through the fast track queue, him guiding he around. we went up to the man through the screen and harry was talking to him.

harry's arm slowly moved down to the side of me, engulfing my hips in his hands. i looked down at his hand, noticing he had a small cross between his index finger and thumb.

he must of noticed me looking down at his hand because he started rubbing my side with his thumb, in rhythm, as if it was planned.

i looked up and it sent a shiver down my spine. "thankyou mr styles have a good day" the man said as he passed harry back our passports. how did he get my passport?

we walked out into the luggage collection room and he looked around for my family. "there they are" he said while interlocking his fingers with mine and pulling me towards them, eagerly.

"what's going on here" liam said while looking down at our hands. "nothing" i said while pulling my hand away quickly.

we got to the hotel after a 30 minute drive and i followed harry up too our room, liam trailing behind me. we walked in and straight away i saw a sofa bed that had been set up and a double bed. this could go one way or another.

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