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ellie payne.

i woke up before both of the boys, with a horrible headache from all the shots we did last night. i turned to harry who was still holding me close to his chest and his arms wrapped around my stomach. i wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled in closer to him in comfort.

i looked up at the ceiling that was partly lit from the small slit in the curtains draped down to the floor. i put one hand down from his neck, placing it on the side of his face that wasn't smushed into the pillow.

imagine waking up next to him every day. i could only dream of that happening after these four days. i'm fully convinced that one time this holiday im gonna be escorted out of my own room so harry can sleep with someone.

i gently rubbed the pad of my thumb on his cheek. "your so beautiful" i whispered to myself.

he grabbed my wrist and rubbed it. his straight face slowly forming into a cheeky smirk and his eyes creasing at the side. i gently slapped the side of his face. "oh baby your gonna be like that?" he whispered back.

i smiled and looked at him. i leant into kiss him, knowing it was risky considering that liam was only a step away. i started reminiscing about last night. the fact how i almost lost my virginity, but dean is the one who stopped everything.

i didn't know what to say about any of it so i decided to say nothing. as i was laid in bed, facing harry, both of us smirking at each other. "what?" i mouth to him. "nothing" he whispers back.

i heard relentless knocking at the door. "ugh who the fuck is that" liam spoke up.

how long had he been awake?

"i'll check now" i said whilst jumping away from harry, running over to the front door while grabbing my hair brush , because i knew my hair was messy. i looked through the peep hole to see who was there.

it was dean.

the same dean from last night, who distracted me with his handsomeness. "it's dean" i whisper shout. "who?" they both speak in unison. "nevermind" i say while chucking my hand in the air, making my hair brush fall on the floor.

i opened the door to dean. "hello!" i spoke energetically. i don't know where the energy came from. maybe just seeing him made me feel electric. "you remember me?" he greats me. "uh yes—" he pulled me out into the hallway by my wrists, closing the door behind me. "your so beautiful" he says while slowly moving his hands up to my neck. he starts running his fingers right where my pulse was on my neck. "your hearts racing princess".

of course it is. this dean boy i met last night, don't even know what he does or where he comes from, has just pulled me out into a hallway and touched my neck, so yes my  heart will be racing. i looked up at him, slowly nodding.

he lent into kiss me.

i pulled away from the kiss before it even happened. "what are you doing?" i asked in panic, his hands being in a dangerous territory. "kissing you, what else would i be doing?" he asks as if it wasn't fucking obvious. "you like me don't you" he follows. i look up at him shaking my head. every nerve in my body was racing, his hand getting a tighter grip on my throat.

the pain what i could only describe as bitter. i was so scared, he had full control over my life right now, if he was to tighten his grip any harder he would of ended my life. "please let go" i ask politely.

he let me go, dropping me back down flat on my feet. i didn't even realise i was stood up on my toes. i let out a deep breath. "what's your number princess" he spoke up, as if he wasn't just about to kill me slowly. "why" i ask him.

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