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ellie payne.

i felt so drunk. i was stumbling all over the place as we were trying to find where liam had gone. "where the fuck is he" harry exclaimed.

"i don't know! let's just go back to the room, he may be there" i said, flirtatiously. trying to hint i wanted to be in the room on our own, he still wouldn't back down. he was holding me by my wrist and dragging me around like a child. "do we have to find him" i asked. he looked down at me and rolled his eyes.

when i was being dragged around by harry, i was getting more and more horny by the second. i just wanted to kiss him and rip all his clothes off. im only 16, but if i was going to loose my virginity anytime soon, it would definitely love for it be with him. i dont care if it's a drunken mistake, but harry styles! but then it's also "liams friend, harry".

we went inside, harry still holding my wrist, and he started asking everyone if he knew where liam was. he pulled me over to the bar, grabbing my wrist tighter and feeling my heartbeat rise. "have you seen this tall" he held his hand out, dropping my wrist to let it swing down to my side. "goes by the name of liam payne" he said while leaning on the bar to get closer to the bartender.

"he's down there" the bartender said, using the towel on his shoulder to point at him. mine and harry's heads turned to see liam with a half drunk bottle of vodka and his head in his hands. harry grabbed my wrist again and shouted "finally!!" at liam while walking over to him.

"we've been looking everywhere for you!" harry whisper shouted. "yeahhhhhh" i slurred, stumbling over my own feet. harry asked liam for the key card, assuming he was coming with us so my mood completely dropped.

he gave him the key card sneakily and in one blink, harry was bridal carrying me out of the bar. "woohoo!!! haz it's like a ride" i exclaimed, calling him haz again by accident. "shut it you" he laughed, kicking the door open with his leg. i started laughing uncontrollably.

we went into the lift, he clicked the button with one hand whilst putting me down slowly. i was standing up and leaning against a mirror, a glass elevator with a mirror in it, facing out to the water, looking over the night life of tenerife.

i looked up at harry, who was looking out of  the glass.

i wonder what he was thinking.

i glance at him one more time before he turned around and walked over to me. "i know what your doing" he said, tipping my head backwards too look at him.

"what do you mean" i said with a cheeky grin, playing dumb.

"when we get in there, we both know exactly what's gonna happen, im prepared, i hope your prepared, ive got stuff" he said while pulling a condom out of his back pocket as if it was a reflex.

"harry i-" i stuttered.  i shook my head , cutting myself off in disbelief. i didn't know we were actually gonna have sex. i thought we would just be kissing and then go to bed when liam got back.

"don't tell me your a fucking virgin now"

i looked up at him with puppy eyes, hoping he got the fact that i did want to have sex with him, but i didn't expect it too be tonight. even though i was prepared to loose my virginity by harry, and on this holiday, but i didn't know when.

"this is gonna be a hell of a rollercoaster for you then baby" he murmured into my ear.

i gasped for breath.

he's so hot.

the elevator pinged, signalling we were at our floor. he picked me up by my legs and chucked me over his shoulder. my legs dangled over his front as my arse was next aligned with his ear.

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