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ellie payne.

i woke up at 12:23am, ready for our flight. i was completely exhausted and dreading this holiday. chloe was completely shocked by the whole situation, the fact that liam was 1. my brother but also bringing harry on holiday with us. me on the other hand, not wanting too go.

i woke up and my room felt so empty, with a massive suitcase almost bursting open in the corner. i weighed it the other night and it was under the weight, so it was fine. i got up and got changed into some grey joggers and a black "one direction" hoodie.

was i wearing one direction merch? yes.
is it because i got it for free? yes.

i will admit some of theyre songs are very good. one of my favourites at the moment is "she's not afraid". nialls laugh is the sweetest thing ever!!

i heard people in the kitchen but im guessing it was mum, dad and liam. i heard a knock at the door and i knew this is where everything would be awkward straight away.

i went over to my desk, just too use some old makeup too make myself look a bit less weird. i had massive bags under my eyes and i knew it was normal, but anything to make myself look prettier. i put on some concealer and mascara. i used some gel that i had left over in a random gel bottle and used that on my eyebrows.

i walked out of my room, my hair in a messy bun on top of my head and a pair of converse. i had my other shoes in my bag and my old converse that were 2 sizes too small for me and completely battered are the only shoes i had.

me and harry made eye contact, once again. he looked at me up and down. "really? i gave that too you once when you were cold after a show" liam said, appearing from behind harry. harry shook his head to stop zoning out while looking into my eyes.

"well it's a comfy hoodie what can i say" i said while pushing my glasses higher on my face. "when are we leaving" i said to mum grabbing my suitcase and pulling it behind me. "about 3 minutes" she explained.

3 minutes fast past and we left. now a 2hrs and 30mins car ride for me, harry and liam, that we had to get through without ripping each others heads off.

"IM SITTING ON THE WINDOW IN THE CAR" i exclaimed while placing the pad of my index finger on the to the tip of my nose. "fine" they said while walking behind me.

we got into the car, harry sat inbetween me and liam. i pulled out my ipod from my pocket and plugged my headphones into it. i flicked through some song options.

"what makes you beautiful by one direction"

harry looked down at the ipod, seeing i had take me home and up all night saved on there. "good taste" he said whilst nudging me, signaling me to turn the music down and turn too him.

i smirked at him as i took out one side of my headphones. "i know, you may know one of the singers, his name is henry i think" i said to wind him up. "no i think his names haz" he said while pulling a cocky smile at me.

my smiled instantly dropped as i looked back at the ipod. "oi don't be in a mood now" he said, nudging my shoulder again. i kept my head down. he grabbed my chin by his finger and turned my face to him. "dont be in a mood, your too pretty for that"

i swallowed the dry lump in my throat. i slowly nodded while he looked deeply into my eyes. i was slightly scared but also found it very attractive. "good" he murmured and dropped my jaw. i turned back and put my headphones back in and turned on the music.

"rock me by one direction"

we were driving too the airport and i ignored harry the whole time, knowing i was completely dreading this whole trip, but he's made everything worse. by his snarky little comments and pulling my chin up to make eye contact, he's made it so much more awkward.

i slowly started drifting off too sleep and he kept nudging me too keep me awake. he was messaging someone on his phone and he started typing frantically. i looked down at his phone quickly and i saw he was messaging a number he didn't have saved.

i kept my eye on the phone whilst i was watching the messages go by.

"louis i don't know what im gonna do on this trip" he typed. it was obviously louis but why didn't he have his number saved?

"why not" louis replied. i had so many questions. why was his number not saved on harry's phone and why was louis awake at 2:38am?

i kept looking at the phone, zoning out while looking at the messages. harry turned to me and saw me looking at his phone. he looked back down at his phone and typed in my name. "ellie payne x" was my name on his phone.

at least my name was saved.

he started typing and i went into my pocket, pulling out my phone. he was typing, then he would stop. he finally sent the message. "sorry for what happened earlier darling x" the message popped up. i nudged him silently in slight guilt. he quickly turned his head to me with a cocky smile. i look at liam and he was asleep. i grabbed his face and stroked the pad of my finger across his cheek. "it's okay don't worry" i said, his eyes staring in mine.

he shook his head and pulled a cocky smile. "you bitch" i laughed. mum and dad in the front, not even paying attention. "im not a bitch" he said with beaming pride.

we finally got to the airport and harry unplugged my belt for me. i assumed he wanted something, but maybe he was just trying to be nice so that it wouldn't be awkward. i giggled at him when he did it and we made eye contact. i don't know how long for, but i know it felt like hours.

i was curious on what he said to louis after he answered but honestly it was none of my business. i swallowed the lump in my throat, knowing that as soon as we get into the airport, im not going to be able to get away from harry and liam for a whole week. some girls would find this a dream, me on the other hand.. not so much.

i walked down to the airport with my suitcase following my trail. liam and harry on either side of me, as if they were bodyguards. we got papped going into the airport but they ignored it and it was fine.

we went into the airport and put our suitcases through. when we went up to security, harry was instructed to take off his watch, which he didn't do. "why should i?" he asked frantically. "it's a prosecutor everyone has too follow please" the security man asked. "fine" harry exclaimed while ripping it off his wrist.

he walked through the scanner and it didn't go off. he had a tantrum in the middle of the airport security because he didn't want to take his watch off.. and people call me childish.

i walked through the security and everything went smoothly.

after security, we all went and sat in a restaurant. i wasn't hungry since it was like 4am. our flight was in an hour and i was dreading it. i was sat next to liam and harry was sat next to him. i was sat on the window aswell so if i needed to go to the toilet i would have to hold it because that would simply just be too awkward.

we were sat in a restaurant, everyone around me was eating and i was sipping the pint of lemonade i ordered. harry kept on tapping my thigh and giving me a thumbs up, signaling to ask if im okay. id just nod and put my head back down.

when it was time to go onto the plane, he put his arm over my shoulders, guiding me down the hallway too the right gate. i thought it was a bit weird, but i didn't stop it. i liked it but i just didn't know how to react.

okay flirts

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