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Light Of The Seven - Ramin Djawadi


As Aurora watched her husband, it quickly became apparent that he was caught in the grips of a nightmare. His body twisted and turned beneath the sheets, his face contorted in a grimace, and low moans escaped his lips.

She noticed the frown on his face and the way his body seemed to twitch and tremble as if in pain.  It was clear that he was having a nightmare, and she couldn't help but wonder what horrors were haunting him.

Tentatively, she approached the bed and sat down gently on the edge, hesitant to disturb him in his dreams, but unable to tear her gaze away from his tossing form.

With each groan, Aurora's heart constricted in her chest, the sight of her husband in such distress causing a wave of conflicted emotions to wash over her. Anger, sadness, pity, and a strange flicker of affection all mixed together in a swirling storm within her.

"Please." Aemond cried, his body contorting in pain.

As Aemond's tormented pleading escaped his lips, Aurora could feel her heart cracking in two.  The sound of her husband's desperate plea was like a dagger to her soul, and she found herself torn between the desire to offer comfort and the anger and resentment that still simmered within her from his behaviour.

Her hands twitched at her sides, the urge to reach out and soothe him nearly overwhelming, despite the turmoil that raged within her.

She gave into her heart, reaching out to smooth the stray hairs that lingered over his face that was lightly covered in a glimmering sheen of sweat.

As Aurora's gentle touch brushed against his face, smoothing away the strands of hair that clung to his sweat-slicked skin, a wave of comfort washed over him. Aemond's body seemed to respond to her presence, his muscles relaxing slightly as her fingers traced along his jawline.

He continued to mumble incoherently, the remnants of his nightmare still clinging to him like a shadow, despite her soothing touch.

In his delirious muttering, Aemond's words were barely discernable, a tangled mess of jumbled syllables and incoherent sounds. However, as Aurora strained her ears to listen, a few fragmented words began to emerge, cutting through the haze like shards of broken glass.

"Please, stop, no." He murmured, his voice pained. "My wife." His eyes, glazed over and unfocused, seemed to flicker beneath his lids, as if caught in a vivid dream that was beyond her understanding.

It was clear his unconscious mind was struggling, tormented by whatever haunted his dreams.

"Aemond." She spoke softly, stroking his face in attempt to wake him gently.

As her gentle touch and soothing voice washed over him, Aemond's body slowly stirred, a low groan escaping his lips as he struggled to surface from the depths of his dream.

Out of nowhere his body began to shake and his breathing turned into a heavy panting, he clutched at the sheets beneath him desperately. "Serve me!" He cried. "No!"

Panic seized her heart as she watched her husband's body begin to convulse and shake. His breathing turned laboured, his gasps and pants filling the air like a desperate plea.

She tried to soothe him, her hands reaching out to touch him, gently caressing his trembling form and murmuring soft words. "Husband, wake up. Wake up! It was just a dream," She cried. "It's alright, my love. You're safe in my chambers, with me."

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