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"My dearest love." Olenna cooed at her daughter. The conversation between the two siblings was broken as Aurora was pulled into her mother's embrace, the older woman practically squealing with delight as she wrapped her arms around her daughter. Aemond trailed behind her, a polite smile on his face as he stood nearby.

There was a beat of silence as her parents fussed over her, her mother practically fawning as she kissed her cheek and fussed with her hair and her father stared at his wife and daughter with a fond smile. It was a stark contrast to the coldness of her new family, she was practically being smothered by her parents affection.

"Let the girl breathe, dear." Her father huffed softly with a chuckle, giving a gentle nudge at his wife to pull her away from their daughter.

Her mother gave a dramatic huff, pretending to look offended by her husband's words to which her eldest daughter rolled her eyes. "Of course, of course.." Her mother mumbled, taking a step back from her daughter. "You've just been missed so dearly, Rose."

Aurora could feel tears welling in her eyes as her parents fawned over her, gods she had missed their affection. She hadn't realised how much she missed it until now. She leaned closer to Aemond, her fingers gently brushing over the back of his hand as a small look of comfort and contentment spread across her face.

"We were delighted to hear of our invitation to the Capital to visit you both." Her father spoke, nodding at his daughters husband approvingly. "A pleasant surprise."

"A very pleasant surprise for all involved." Aemond hummed, a hint of amusement on his face as his eyes flicked over to Lorent. He could feel the glare that was directed at him and it was rather amusing. The tension in the air was palpable between the two men and it was hard for Aemond not to feel some sort of satisfaction from it.

Lorent's eyes narrowed at Aemond's words, a look of contempt visible on his face as he stared down at the prince. His dislike for the Targaryen Prince grew every time the man opened his mouth.

"Sister, perhaps you'd like to join me for a dance? I'm certain I remember from your wedding that the Prince isn't terribly skilled with his feet."

Aemond's polite expression darkened slightly at the man's words, an edge of annoyance creeping into his expression.

That smug cunt-

He was broken from his thoughts when he felt the gentle nudge of Aurora's elbow against his chest. He turned to look at her, his frustration melting away at the look on her face. Her eyes were pleading with him silently, please don't cause a scene. He took a deep breath before giving her a small nod, giving her a silent agreement to not be provoked.

He watched with a clenched jaw as his wife gently took her brother's hand in hers and allowed him to lead her off towards the dance floor, sending Aemond an apologetic smile. He hated how happy and cheerful she appeared in her brother's presence, her face beaming as she laughed at something he  said. He couldn't quite make out what they were saying, but he could see their faces and what he saw he didn't like. This was going to be a long night.

Lorent had a stupid grin on his face as he spun his sister around the dance floor. Aemond felt his jaw clench at the overly happy expression on the Tyrell's faces, the two siblings giggling joyously as they danced blissfully together. He leant closer to Aurora as they danced, his lips nearing her ear as he whispered something to her.

"It seems you have caught the attention of a certain Rogue Prince."

Aurora's eyes widened in surprise at her brother's words, her head snapping to the side to cast a glance at the Daemon. Sure enough he was glancing in her direction, his dark violet eyes gazing unabashed at her from across the dancefloor. She felt a shiver run down the length of her spine at the intense look in his eyes, her body involuntarily giving a flinch as she met his leering stare. "Oh?" She mumbled softly, doing her best to act unbothered.

The Realms Rose  |   Aemond Targaryen / Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now