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Aurora couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at how well the meeting had gone. She and Lorent had managed to convince the Small Council of their plan, and now all that was left was to wait for their decision.

"It went well, don't you think?" She turned to her brother, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Lorent's expression was pensive, his thoughts occupied by the conversation he had overheard between Daemon and Rhaenyra.

"Is there something troubling you?" She asked, her eyes searching his face. "You've been awfully quiet since we left the council room."

Lorent forced a smile, trying to shake off what was bothering him. "It's nothing." He said, attempting to sound casual. "Just lost in thought, that's all."

Aurora wasn't convinced. She knew Lorent well enough to sense when something was troubling him. She took his hand, squeezing it gently.

"Do not lie to me, brother." She said quietly, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of concern and determination. "Something is bothering you. Tell me what it is."

Lorent's growing irritation was evident in his tense expression and the way he jerked his hand away from hers.

"Stop prying, Aurora." He said gruffly, his voice tinged with annoyance. "Leave it alone."

Aurora reeled back, taken aback by her brother's unexpected harshness. She had never seen him act this way before and it hurt more than she cared to admit.

"I'm not trying to pry." She said, her voice tinged with hurt. "I'm just worried about you. You're never this short-tempered with me."

Lorent felt a pang of guilt at the hurt in her voice. He didn't mean to snap at her, but his own thoughts and emotions were weighing heavily on him.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm sorry." He mumbled, avoiding her gaze. "I didn't mean to snap. I've just... got a lot on my mind, that's all."

Aurora stepped closer to him, reaching out to touch his arm. "You can tell me anything, Lorent. We've always been able to confide in each other, haven't we?"

Lorent knew she was right. They had always been close, sharing each other's secrets and worries. But this was different. He wasn't sure if he could confess what was on his mind, particularly because it involved her.

He sighed again, his gaze finally meeting hers. "Some things are better left unsaid."

As Lorent spoke up again, Aurora felt her heart sink. "I will see you at supper, mother and father will be expecting you to attend with Aemond." He said, void of emotion and his usual charm.

Aurora felt a pang of anxiety at the mention of Aemond's name. The thought of having to spend the evening in his company made her anxious, especially after what had happened between them.

"But Lorent-" She protested, but he silenced her with a firm shake of his head.

"It has to be this way, little sister." He said quietly. "I promise you, everything will be alright soon enough. Trust me." His teeth sunk into his bottom lip, drawing it into his mouth with a sigh. There was a look of melancholy etched onto his usual cheerful features as he walked away from her.

Aurora watched as her brother walked away from her, a feeling of unease settling in her chest. She had never seen him look so troubled, and it worried her greatly.

As she made her way back to her room, she couldn't help but wonder what had upset him so much.

When Aurora reached her room, she flopped down onto her bed with a huff. Her mind was swirling with thoughts of Lorent's strange behavior and the prospect of having to see Aemond again later.

The Realms Rose  |   Aemond Targaryen / Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now