𝐈𝐈: Knuckle head

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𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻. The chariot had an open back, no seatbelts, no handlebars. What a safe and secure ride! 

The bulky Butch dude adjusted the reigns while Annabeth fiddled with a navigation device. The Asherah girl was on the edge of the backless chariot, she seemed to be moving her hands in a weird fashion concentrating on something out there, her black hair whacked Leo in the face, but he figured if he complained she'd elbow him in the ribs.

The wind whipped around Leo messing up his hair and spewing feathers into his face. They rose over the Grand Canyon and headed east, the icy wind was slapped them on the face. If we don't die from falling we'll die from hypothermia, Leo thought

"This is so cool" Leo exclaimed, he spit the tenth pegasus feather out of his mouth "Where are we going?" 

"A safe place" Asherah sighed, she seemed to have given up on whatever she was doing before "The only place for kids like us, Camp Half-Blood" 

"Half-blood" Piper was on immediate guard, Leo knew about the insults she faced everyday "Is this some kind of bad joke?"

"She means we're demigods" Jason assured her  "Half mortal, half god"

Annabeth looked back "You seem to know a lot Jason"

"Like someone else" Asherah muttered, Annabeth shot her a nasty glare and Asherah shrugged giving her an innocent look

"But yes demigods" Annabeth continued "I'm the daughter of Athena the goddess of wisdom, Asherah is the daughter of Poseidon god of the sea and Butch is the son of Iris the rainbow goddess"

Leo choked "Your mom is the rainbow goddess?" That explained the tattoo

"Got a problem with that?" Butch challenged. Scrawny against bulky? Not a good idea

"No, no" Leo backtracked "Rainbows, very macho"

"Butch is our best equestrian" Annabeth said

"Second best" Asherah growled

"Porkpie hates you" Butch said without looking behind

"Who won't" Leo murmured, Asherah probably had laser hearing cause she snapped her head back

"Do you value your mouth? I'd be glad to cut it off so your girlfriend can have some peace"
Girlfriend, was she talking about Piper?

"No, I don't have a girlfriend" Leo said

"That I can't fix and I don't think Zeus could either" Asherah shrugged

"Welp I think you can help with that" Leo flirted

She scoffed "I would rather commit suicide by banging my head on Zeus's fist"

"Ah, ladies warm up to me eventually" Leo waved his hand nonchalantly

"This lady wants to gold you under the water till the bubbles stop" (Adam's project reference please tell me y'all know that)

Suddenly lightning struck and Jason yelled "Left wheel's on fire!" 

Sure enough flames devoured the wheel and then advanced towards the chariot, Asherah leaned over the side and closed her eyes again. Leo saw dark clouds taking shape again though it looked like horses instead of Dylan. Great Dylan's a horse Leo thought

"Why are they-" Piper started

"Anemoi come in different shapes" Asherah answered Piper's unfinished question "Sometimes horse sometimes stallion, it depends on how powerful they are" she made aand stretched her hands out again

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