𝐈: Yay black haired girl hates me

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𝗟𝗲𝗼 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗱 when a chariot pulled by two winged horses landed on the bridge. Too much had already happened that day and their "Coach" got pulled away by flying, smokey... men, wind creatures? Evil spirits? Whatever it was this day kept getting weird and weird. The horses neatly tucked their wings and nervously approached them, like the glass was going to turn into monsters,q though it wouldn't be that surprising after this stuff which just went down.

There were three people in the chariot, all teenagers. A tall blonde who looked a bit older than Leo, a really bulky guy with buzzed hair who looked like he'd take down Chuck Norris and a girl with ebony black hair and blue eyes, not exactly light blue but more like the deep sea kind of blue, Leo couldn't stop staring at her. They wore jeans and orange t-shirts with shields? Okay that really surprised Leo welp record of non-surprising things broken for now. The blonde girl pulled out her knife and ran towards them while the bulky guy reigned the horses.

"Where is he?" asked the blonde girl who was immediately joined by the black haired girl, Leo saw the blonde's ferocious gray eyes, can eyes even be gray? But then again Piper's weren't exactly normal either.

"Where's who?" Jason asked her

She shook her head like it was unacceptable that he wasn't here and it depended on her life. The black haired girl turned to Leo and Piper "What about Gleeson? Where is your protector Gleeson Hedge?"

Leo cleared his throat "He got taken by some... tornado things"

"Venti" Jason corrected "Storm spirits"

The blonde girl arched an eyebrow "You mean anemoi thuellai?" what did she say? Anemone what? "That's the Greek term. Who are you? And what happened?"

Jason did his best to explain about the the goat man and coach, the wind spirits and the entire crazy day they had without looking at the girl's intense gray eyes. Leo glanced at the black haired girl, she was looking straight at him as soon as their eyes met she turned away like it was a curse to be looking at Leo. The bulky guy joined the girls halfway through the story, he had a rainbow tattooed across his biceps which was... interesting.

When Jason finished the blonde girl was not satisfied "No, no no! She told me he would be here. She told me if I came here I'd find the answer!" The blonde girl shook her head while the blue eyed put her hand on the blonde's shoulder, her other hand was curled into a fist her knuckles white, she was really mad and Leo didn't think that was a good thing.

"Annabeth, Asherah" the buzz cut guy grunted "Check it out" he was looking down at Jason's feet, he was missing one shoe, though Leo thought he was referring to the fact Jason's foot looked like a burnt cake.

"The guy with one shoe" The buzz cut guy said "He's the answer" Ok so the answer was a guy with one shoe who just happened to be Jason whom their going to use as a test answer? He was so confised

"No Butch" the black haired girl said with an emphatic shake off her head letting both her hands down at rest "He can't be, he doesn't remember how do you think he'll help us?"

"I was tricked" the blonde girl said and looked up at the sky like it did something unforgivable "What do you want from me?" she screamed "What have you done to him?" As if right on cue the skywalk shuddered like it was answering, the horses whinnied urgently, Leo swiveled around looking at the sky, something was wrong, the black haired girl narrowed her eyes at him like trying to read his mind, she gave him a look which made Leo gulp even though he knew he did nothing wrong.

"Guys" the buzzed dude; Butch warned " we gotta leave. Let's get these three to camp and figure it out there, those storm spirits might come back" Camp? What camp? Like summer camp were these people scouts? Did he have to sell cookies in the orange t-shirts?

"Camp like summer camp?" joked Leo "Cause I have no intention of becoming a scout and selling badges"

The ebony haired girl looked at him annoyed "Camp like camp half-blood funny guy, it's a safe place, we'll explain later" she gave Leo a dirty look, he got the memo she does not like him at all "Annabeth" she said gently to the blonde "We have got to go

The blonde; Annabeth fumed for a moment then she looked resentfully at Jason "Fine" she said "We'll settle this later" she turned on her heel and stalked away.

Piper shook her head "What's her problem? What is going on"

"Seriously" Leo agreed, she really seemed to hate Jason and she didn't even know him!

The black haired girl who had to be Asherah, gave him another look which was a lot worse then what Annabeth gave Jason, she hates me Leo decided.

"We've got to get you out of here" Butch told them "We'll explain later" Leo got the feeling that we didn't include Annabeth.

"I'm not going anywhere with her" Jason gestured to Annabeth "She looks like she wants to kill me"

Asherah hesitated "Annabeth's okay. You've have to cut her some slack. She had a vision telling her to find the guy with one shoe which would be the answer to her problems"

"What problems?" asked Piper

Asherah did not want to answer anymore than Leo wanted to go with her in the same chariot.

"She's looking for one of our campers, he's been missing three days" Butch explained "She's out of her mind with worry"

"Who?" Jason asked

This time Asherah looked like she was about to cry but she answered anyway

"Her boyfriend and..." her voice cut off "My brother; Percy Jackson"


Nothing much is different really. Same stuff some corrections and edits.

Just imagine it's the second time you're having a chocolate cake and enjoy it just as much as the first.
If y'all don't like chocolate I don't know what to tell you except
"Go back to Mars" (just a jk no offense)

Comment stuff guys! Pls don't be passive!

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