𝐕: Dumpster girl? I think not!

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𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗹. Everyone started acting up. Some cried (mostly the Aphrodite cabin), some laughed (mostly the Aphrodite cabin), some morons from the Ares cabin started fighting, Clovis fell asleep like always, there was a girl who ran to the bathroom crying saying she hated her life

"SHUT UP!" I hollered, everyone went quiet, "Let Rachel speak you imbeciles!" 

Rachel took one step forward, everyone leaned back like she was a bacteria "For those who have not heard it" she said quietly "The Great prophecy was my first prediction. It arrived in August. It goes like this;

"Eight half- bloods shall answer the call. To storm or fire the world must fall. The siren shall gain the Ocean's depth-"

Jason shot up to his feet, even Rachel seemed taken aback, I narrowed my eyes at him

"Jason?" I asked "What happened-"

"Ut cum spiritu postrema sacramenta dejuremus" he chanted in a daze "Et hostes ornamenta addent ad ianuam necem"

Everyone looked like they were trying to solve a difficult puzzle which was stupid because everyone except for the Athena cabin had chocolate scones for brains, great, now I want chocolate scones.

"Y-you just finished the prophecy" Rachel said "An oath to keep with final breadth/ And foes bear arms to the doors of death, how did you-"

"I know those lines" Jason winced and put a hand to his temples "I don't know how but I know that prophecy"

"In Latin no less" Drew smirked "Handsome and smart"

I snapped this time, "You trying to hook up with someone a hundred times smarter than you?"

Drew stared at me "Excuse me?"

"I meant he's a lot smarter than you pastel crayon covered face huh? Considering you have like one braincell" I asked

Chiron gave me a look which said I don't get paid enough for this but please stop. I shrugged 

Jason sat down embarrassed, Annabeth put her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. Where was this guy from? Who was he?   

"So yeah" Rachel said shakily "That was the Great Prophecy. We hoped it wouldn't happen for years but I fear it's starting now. I can't give you proof it's just a feeling. Some demigods from the right are here tonight some are not"

Campers begin to chatter amongst themselves until a very drowsy voice from the back said "I'm here! Oh were you calling roll?"

I laughed "Go back to sleep Clovis!" that did something to lighten the mood because the fire went from a nauseating green to yellow

"Anyway" Rachel continued "we don't know what this prophecy means we don't know what the demigods will face but maybe it'll be as bad as the second Titan war"

"Or worse" Chiron muttered, the fire turned dark purple, well there goes my hard work.

"The first phase has begun, we will need a quest to solve it" Rachel told everyone "Hera, the queen of the gods"- queen of the gods my... never mind I'll probably die if I say that-"has been taken" 

There's a difference between music and noise, music is gentle (sometimes) and is pleasant to hear (sometimes, if you like the songs of kid Justin Bieber you can leave) but you don't know noise if you haven't heard fifty damn noisy people chirping like morning bird except their voices aren't pleasant to hear in any universe. 

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