Scene 13 - Everyone Knows That

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General Theme:

This Isn't Any Old Race

(The sun is beginning to set over the horizon as the kids re-enter the open market space. In the background, there's a group of kids looking through a window into the gelateria. Some people are closing up shop, while other shops stay open. The market is less crowded than it was in previous scenes. Giulia is walking abnormally fast, and Luca and Alberto are struggling to keep up.)

Alberto: (Finally catching up) Geez, I thought Luca was the hungry one, not you...

Luca: (Almost out of breath) Me... too... Were you this fast when we came here yesterday...?

Giulia: You guys must be tired. I... was. (Little almost-nervous laugh) I'm really hungry, too.

Alberto: (Turning around to walk backwards as they come to a stop) Well, hunger no more, because we're here! (Putting his arm down onto the counter of the food cart and doing it so firmly it knocks over the stack of apples, looking over) Oops.

(The grocer, Mr. Giordani, turns around looking upset before noticing who it is and softening.)

Mr. Giordani: Ciao, Alberto... (Seeing the other two behind him) And Luca and Giulia. How're the winners of the Portorosso Cup doing?

Alberto: Great, Mr. Giordani! How's your business?

Mr. Giordani: (Restacking the apples) It's picked up since the summer started. It's tough to compete with the gelateria during this time of year, but everyone enjoys cold fruits and vegetables. I'm guessing that's what you're here for?

Giulia: (Coming up to the counter next to Alberto) Sì! What kind of stuff do you have?

Mr. Giordani: Let's see... corn, cantaloupe, strawberries, eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, peaches, apples, beans, blueberries, figs, plums...

(The kids slowly start looking more and more confused as he keeps listing on and on.)

Mr. Giordani: Green beans, zucchini, apricots, blackberries, and, my prize of the season, watermelon.

Luca: (Slightly overwhelmed) We'll um... take the... the uh...

Giulia: How about the watermelon-? Per favore!

Mr. Giordani: Three, I would take it? (After getting enthusiastic nods) Coming right up, ragazzini.

(As he turns to cut it...)

Alberto: (Low whisper) Are you sure that's a good idea with your... you know...

Giulia: It'll be fine, trust me. Aren't we supposed to be forgetting about it?

Mr. Giordani: (Turning back with their slices on a cutting board almost the moment she finishes saying it) Here you are.

Luca: (Picking one up and looking at it excitedly) Thanks!

Alberto: (As Giulia starts to count up their money) How much?

Mr. Giordani: (Waving it off) It's on the house for you three.

Alberto: Wow— Thanks a lot!

Mr. Giordani: (Smile) Don't mention it. Take care, kids.

(As the kids head away from the food cart, a group of younger kids all gather around it in the background to immediately start piling orders up.)

Mr. Giordani: Woah, woah, one at a time... Slow down... You want how much corn?

(The kids start walking around the market while they're eating their food.)

Giulia: You guys ready?

Luca: Wait— Right now?

Giulia: Mhm! (Taking a bite of watermelon whilst pointing at the fountain) What's that?

Alberto: A water-squirty thing! (When Giulia gives him the look) A fountain. Everyone knows that.

Giulia: And that? (Pointing at a poster)

Luca: Oh, I think I got that one... It's a... p...oster?

Giulia: Yeah! And what do you call... (Pointing to the dock) that? Where all the boats go?

Luca: A... dock!

Alberto: I was gonna say a fish member.

Giulia: Fish member? Don't you mean... dismember?

Alberto: That's what it was? I thought your dad said fish member.

Luca: What's a dismember?

Giulia: (Trying to diffuse the word) Uh... It means... you-

Alberto: You take a fish and then chop its head off!

(Luca instantly looks absolutely horrified.)

Giulia: NO. It... means... they... throw the fish back into the sea. Nicely.

(But Luca still immediately hugs her for protection.)

Giulia: (Looking at Alberto, through gritted teeth) Right, Alberto?

Alberto: (So nervously sheepish) O-of course! What did I say? I must've been talking about... the... dissection thing you did in school! (Quickly finishing the rest of his watermelon)

(Giulia flashes him another quick glare before looking back at Luca to reassure him everything's okay.)

Giulia: You guys up for a game of soccer?

Alberto: Yes- (Clearing his throat, trying to be casual) I mean sure, sounds good.

Luca: (Nervous for a second) No fish'll get hurt though, right?

Giulia: All the fish will be fine. We'll play it in my front yard, anyways.

Luca: (Instantly brightening) Then last one there's a rotten clam! (Running off)

(Alberto is about to run off and follow him before Giulia hops up onto his back to instantly get a piggyback ride.)

Giulia: What are you waiting for? Do you want to be a rotten clam?

Alberto: (Little smirk) No way. (Heading off)

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