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Xiao Zhan pov

Today is the day, the motor sports exhibition, which is about Mr Wang's motorbikes.

Something new I didn't know about him.

Today, I put on an even more fancier suit and walked out from my room. I saw my half asleep friend making breakfast for himself.

He looked at me, and he said, "Someone looks extra fancy today." He was just staring me up and down.
"Thanks, A-Cheng." I smiled at him. "I'm going now, see you later." I said and went to pick up my jacket and put my shoes on and left the house.

Before I could even order my taxi, a black luxury car parked in front of me. Then Mr. Liu got out of the car and started walking towards me.

"Good morning, Mr Xiao." I greeted me.

"Good morning, Mr Liu." I bowed

He opened the door for me, and when I was about to get in, I saw Mr Wang. "Oh he'll no, do I really have to be in the same car as him." I thought

"Good morning, Mr Wang." I greeted him, but he just continued to look out of the window without looking at me.

"What a jerk." I thought.

Mr Liu got back in the car and drove all the way to the exhibition hall.

When we got there Mr Liu opened the door, and me, then Mr Wang got out.

I swear to my life it felt like we were in a movie, as there were paparazzi everywhere all the way to the entrance.

"I swear I'm gonna get blind from all these lights coming from those stupid cameras." I exclaimed

I was walking next to Mr Wang until we went inside the hall, and there I saw Mr Zhang.

"Xiao Zhan!" He shouted my name, waving his hand.

I bowed to Mr Liu and Mr Wang as an excuse to leave them by themselves.
Mr Liu gave me a nod, which meant I'm free to go and look around.

I went to Zhehan and greeted him.

"Hey there, Zhehan. Why so fancy? Are you trying to pull any girls or guys?" I laughed and hit his shoulder.

The other day, when we had our lunch break, Zhehan told me he is bisexual, and Mr Wang is his type. He said he only works here because of Wang Yibo. That's stupid, isn't it.

"I might his on Mr Wang today here." He winked
"Ew, stop it. Let's get some drinks." I pulled him towards the bar.

"Hello, gentleman, what would you like to drink." The bartender asked.
"2 glasses of orange juice, please." Zhehan said while he was staring at the bartender. He dressed casually but handsome.

"Stop it, you pervert." I hit his shoulder again so he can get back to his sense.

"Here you go, gentleman." The bartender came back with 2 glasses of juice.

"Thank you," I said, and I was about to walk away when Zhehan stopped me.

"Stay here." He said

"Nah, I leave you with your bartender." I said. And left.

I was looking for Mr Liu and my boss but there was no sight of them. After searching for 10 minutes, I gave up and sighed.

I went towards one of the motorbikes, which was just parking in the middle of the hall. It was black and green coloured one.

On the side of the motorbike, there was his name

Wang Yibo.

"Mr Wang, actually into motorbikes, hmm." I was checking all the details on the motorbike while I unintentionally smiled.
"What are you thinking Zhan, get back to your sense." I was having my own fight in my head.

"Do you like it?" I heard Mr Wang's voice behind my back, which made me jump a little.

I nodded, and I saw him smile a little. "His smile is so beautiful. He should smile more.

"Mr Wang, I didn't know you're really into motorbikes." I said, but he stopped me.

"Outside work you can call me Yibo." He said

"O-oh, o-okay." I stutter a bit, I didn't know what to say.

"You can touch it if you want." Pointing at the bike.

"Really?" I looked at him, surprised.

"Yeah, go on." He said.

I slowly ran my finger through the motorbike sear, which felt like a hard leather, then the wheel, and slowly moved backwards. It was awkward a bit since he was standing behind my back.

He feels a bit different today. It's not like when he is in the office, cold and rude.

Maybe it's because it is about what he likes to do, it's his hobbies in front of him. His motorbikes.

"Thank you for letting me see your bike a bit closer. Mr-I mean Yibo." I'm not used to calling him by his name. It sounded weird coming out from my mouth.

"Why am I blushing? It's not like I like him. He is only my boss." I though

Wang Yibo pov.

What is this feeling in my stomach, why do I feel warm when I looking at him when he touched the bike with his smooth fingers. No I can't fall in love with him yet. Its too early.

And sound of his voice while he says my name.

No this is not good. I can't fall in love with him... yet, but he is so beautiful, so angelic, I wanna hold him.

Mt though is going wild when I'm close to him, I have to get out from his sight, or I might do something in front of so many people which I would regret later.

"Xiao Zhan if you excuse me, I have to find Haikuan." I looked at him and he nodded.

I left him and went to find Haikuan

A few minutes later I found him and walked towards him.

"Haikuan, help me." I said

"What happened?" He looked at me worried.

"I-I don't know. Somethings not right when I look at him." I said and he already knew who I'm talking about.

"Yibo, don't tell me, you are in love? He said

"I don't know, I only know him for a week or less, it's too early." I said

"It's not Yibo, fall in love with someone is never too early." He said, and I knew he is right.

The exhibition finished around 6:00 pm and everyone went home. He aswell

Haikuan took me home and as I got out of the car I walked in straight to my bedroom.

I picked up my jogging clothes and quickly changed to them, I went to the park for a jog before dinner

30 minutes after

"Yibo darling, dinner is ready." I heard Mrs Lim calling me.

I washed my hands and had my dinner. It was tasted beautiful as always.

After a while I finished my dinner, and went to take a shower.

Mt thoughts were all about him, his smile, his voice and his beautiful brown eyes. I can't show that I'm into him in the office, and what if he not gay, then I'll be done.

I got out of the shower and went to sleep, it took me so long to fall asleep but somehow I did managed to sleep.


Next chapter here. I know it's not perfect and a bit boring.

Thank you for all the beautiful comments for the previous chapters. It means a lot to me

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See you next time.

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