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Wang Yibo pov.

As soon as the movie started, everyone remained silent and they started to watch the movie.

I tried to enjoy it too, but I couldn't, because my heart was planning to jump out from my chest.

And why? You may ask... Well because of the beautiful human being next to me who I can't stop taking my eyes off. Okay, I do not keep on looking at him, but I do take one, or two cheeky glances at him from the corner of my eyes.

I noticed his side profile is even more beautiful than I imagined.

How can this man be this beautiful, I don't understand. But I know he is god favourite child though.

"Okay Yibo, stop it now  and focus on the movie now." I thought to myself.

I took a popcorn out and ate it. Trying to keep my eyes on the screen.

Xiao Zhan pov

My heart is going crazy for real. I might end up getting a heart attack if it's not gonna calm down.

I can feel his eyes on me, but I'm trying to ignore it and enjoy the movie.

I sighed when I noticed I no longer felt his eyes on me.

He kept on reaching out for the popcorn box, so I thought I would eat some too before he destroyed the whole box before I was able to eat some too.
I stretched out my hand and started reaching toward the popcorn box to take a piece out of it. As soon as I reached my hand into the box, my heart skipped a bit as what I was holding didn't exactly feel like a piece of popcorn, but more like somebody's hand.

"Oh shit." I thought.  As soon as I realized what I was holding with my hand, I pulled my hand out so quickly, that a few pieces of popcorn ended up on the floor.

I turned to him and looked at him apologetically.  Since there wasn't much light in the room, I couldn't see much of his face.  But I was sure that his face was as red as a tomato.  Although I think mine too.

Because of this mistake, my heart started beating very fast again. I did manage to calm it down earlier, but again it feels like my heart wants to jump out from my chest.

"I will go to the bathroom for a second" I whispered to Zhuocheng's ears. He just nodded.  I stood up walked past Yibo, and with rapid steps, I went into the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I was right, my face was as red as a tomato.

"Zhan, you should have just got yourself a fucking popcorn for real," I said out loud.

I heard the door open behind me. I got my head to the sound of the opened door. 

"I can't believe it. Why is he the one who just opened the door." I thought to myself while giving him a slight smile.

"Zhan..." He was about to say something but I stopped him.

"I'm s-sorry Y-yibo, I didn't d-do that on pu-purpose. I didn't s-see your h-hand is i-in the b-box. I stammered in front of him like an idiot.

He walked closer to me, while I was walking backwards until my back was against the wall. He put his hands on my cheeks, and started to caress it.

"Zhan..." He said my name again. Why is he acting like this? It scares me.

He said nothing else just caressing my cheeks. Which felt so nice, so relaxing. It felt like the time has stopped.

A few seconds later he took his hands off and placed it on the wall, while his other hand was on my waist.

Then suddenly his face was came closer and close to mine. It was only a few inches away, when we heard to the door opens again.

He quickly jumped away from me. He acted like he was just about to start washing his hands.

In the door we saw Ji Li who was just standing there and starring at us.

"I'm here to use the toilet." He explained

"Go on then." I told him and walked out from there.

"What was that.. was he about to kiss me?" My head was full of questions and thoughts.

Wang Yibo pov

What am I doing? I can't just fucking kiss him all of a sudden. Thank god one of his friend walked in so it snapped me back to reality.

But he didn't push me away. It this means he wanted it too. How am I going to look at him from now on.

I walked out from the bathroom too and went back to the room.

Everyone was sitting there expect the guy who we just saw in the bathroom.

I sat back down but I didn't dare to look at him at all. I felt embarrassed what I just did.

Should I fire him? No, I can't do that. Still.. I have to apologise to him. I will ask him to come with me somewhere to apologise from here. Yes good idea but where..

I was thinking so much, that I didn't even notice the movie had ended.

We all got up from our sit, and walked out from the cinema.

"Alright guys. I'll see you all later. Wang Yibo. It was nice too meet you." Xuan Lu said.

"It was nice to meet you guys too." I said and looked at Zhan." Uhm Zhan, Haikuan told me earlier that we have to check something in the office. He left us some papers there. Do you mind going there now?" I looked at him but he room mate started talking.

"Can't it wait till tomorrow, he will be there anyways." He said

"I know..." I started but Zhan stopped me and looked at his roomie.

"Marius it's alright, I'll see you at home alright." He waved at him and walked back to my motorbike with me.

"Pff.. whatever. I see you home then." He said

We walked up to my motorbike and handed Zhan a helmet.

"So.. are you hungry?" I looked at him, and I saw the confusion on his face.

"B-but what about Mr Liu?" He asked

"I was lying. I just wanted to apologise what I did earlier."

"Oh" that's all he said.

"I'm sorry Zhan. I don't know what happened to me back then. I just..." I stopped talking when I saw Zhans beautiful eyes starring at me.

"Yibo.. I'm not angry at you." He chuckled and continued. "So what are we eating then?" He asked while still chuckling.

I smiled and sat on the motorbike, while Zhan did the same thing.

"Surprise." I said and started my motorbike.  But before I did that my ears catch something what Zhan said, that I was not aware of.

Besides I do wanted you to kiss me"


I know.. I'm evil stopping right here.

Thank you for the 1k reads. It means a lot to me 😭😭❤️❤️

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