Chapter 15

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Josh almost played sick to stay home from school, but he didn't want to leave Simon stranded. The feeling inside of him felt so unreal. Almost like a dream. If only it was. He walked through the hallways focused on getting to class. Josh didn't look at one single person. No one said anything to him which was a good sign. For once Josh was actually early to class. Lunch soon rolled around and still not a word was spoken to him. As he walked outside, he spotted Harry trying climb in his tree again.

"Harry!" Josh ran up to him.

"I'm not giving you a second chance." he grunted, not even acknowledging Josh's presence.

"I wasn't going to ask for one but... have you told anyone yet?" Josh wanted to know whether or not to be worried today or tomorrow or even the next day.

"No. I want it to be a surprise and hit you and Simon unexpectedly." Harry answered before disappearing into the tree. Josh sighed and wandered back to his friends. Maybe if I pretend I don't know why our secret got out, then Simon won't know I lied to him. Josh thought.

"Hey, Josh!" Simon waved and smile. Josh gave what was probably the weakest and most fake smile that he ever made. Simon could tell it was as well but he didn't question it. "Josh can we hang out after school? I really want some time with just you." he asked nervously. Josh nodded his head for he was afraid to speak; that then he would start crying. This is what he needed, some alone time with Simon he could enjoy before it all goes downhill. Josh could use this to his advantage.

Simon and Josh climbed to the top of the bleachers. They sat down next to each other, facing the giant field. It was a clear night sky out with the stars shining bright. So much had happened in the last year of his life. His parents got divorced, he moved, started a new school, met knew people, made friends, made enemies, found out he is bisexual, and developed a crush. A crush on Simon. Josh put his hand on Simon's, sliding his fingers in between his crush's. Simon flinched at first but then relaxed. Josh looked over at Simon. Even in the darkness of the night, his blue eyes still shone. Simon turned to face Josh as well. He smiled at Josh, turning a bright shade of pink.

"Simon... I don't want you to fear yourself. I don't want to fear myself. We shouldn't have to. No matter what is going to happen, know it'll be okay and I really do care for you." Josh began. "I-I really, like, you Simon." his voice cracked.

"I like you too, Josh." Simon's voice came out small. Josh took his freehand and cupped it on Simon's face. Josh slowly moved closer and closer till he was centimeters away from Simon. He then pushed his lips onto Simon's. Simon sat there for moment until he kissed back. It wasn't crazy-amazing-fireworks kiss. It was beautiful. Slow and passionate without being rough. Before the kiss became too long Josh pulled away, resting his forehead on Simon's. Smiles grew on their faces involuntarily.

"Simon, will you be my boyfriend?" Josh asked. Simon just nodded as he always does. He pulled Josh in for a hug. They sat their like so for minutes until Simon moved his hands onto Josh's chest, and rested his head on his boyfriend's chest. Little did they know of the consequences this relationship would cause.

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