Chapter 17

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Simon did not want to go to school. He refused to even get out of bed. This was about to be the worst day of his life, he could feel it.

"Simon, you have to go to school." His father stood in his doorway. Simon moaned, pulling the covers further over his head. "Stop being a teenager and," his dad grabbed him, "get up." Simon was yanked out from under the sheets. His dad pushed him into the bathroom. Simon stood there in only his boxers, staring at himself in the mirror.

"I'm such a wreck." he mouthed to himself. Simon wore all black that day, even socks and underpants. It matches his emotions perfectly. As he stepped onto the bus and came into everyone's line of view, they all stared. Simon just focused on the floor. He could hear someone jump to the seat behind him. Great.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey." the person kept poking Simon. He could only take it for so long.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Simon snapped.

"Ooo, pretty boy's got a mouth." The guy taunted. "Aren't you suppose to be wearing like rainbows and shit? Not black." He then pulled down Simon's hood.

"Fuck off." Simon grumbled. He put his hood back on and the boy left. Simon walked into school searching for Josh. Everyone just gave him weird and disgusted looks. When he found Josh he said,

"I hate life." Josh let out a deep breath.

"I know, this sucks but we have to learn to put up with it." Josh grabbed Simon's hands.

"Aww." The two boys looked up to see a couple of girls making kissy faces. "Simon and Josh sitting in a tree. F-U-C-K-I-N-G!" they sung.

"In the ass." a random guy added as he passed by. Simon ran off to his class hoping the day would end quickly. Half way through his third class and he began coughing.

"Ew, I don't want your disease." a kid sitting next him scooted his chair a couple inches away from Simon. These words felt like a punch in the gut. Why am I cursed? At lunch, Simon went to the restroom like he used to. Luckily Josh knew Simon all too well.

"Simon." Josh knocked on the stall door.

"The whole point of having lunch in the restroom was to be safe." he responded. "Josh, I don't feel safe." The tears started to creep up on him.

"Then please let me in." Josh nudged the door. Simon didn't say or do anything, so Josh crawled under. "Look at me." Josh lifted Simon's head up. "We're going to make it through this. You have the strength to I know you do." Josh squatted down in front of him. "I love you." Josh kissed his nose. Simon blushed.

"I love you too. Promise me I'll be okay?" Simon held out his pinky. Josh wrapped his finger around Simon's.

"I promise. This'll be tough and you know it but you have to trust me." Josh picked Simon up so he could sit on the toilet, and Simon would be on his lap. Josh could hear him sniffing. He wiped his tears and kissed him before he continued to rock back and forth. The nightmares have only just begun.

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