Chapter 12

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Josh walked into the boys bathroom looking for Simon. He is normally sitting in his stall in the morning as well. He wasn't in there today however. Josh sighed but he couldn't do anything about it. He sat through his classes as usual thinking about Simon non stop. At lunch, he checked the bathrooms once more but Simon was still not to be seen. Josh waved at Vik and Ethan who were by their usual tree when someone pulled Josh aside. He looked over and saw Harry tugging on his shirt sleeve.

"What are you? Let go!" Josh smacked Harry's hand away.

"Sorry I had to take that opportunity to get you over here." Harry looked around and made sure no one else was listening. "Look, yesterday, after we all left to go do our own things," Harry paused. "I, uh, went and sat in the park, behind some bushes because I do things like that. And I heard something very interesting..." Harry smirked. Josh's eyes widen, fearing Harry was going to say what he thinks. "I known your's and Simon's secret."

"Please don't tell anyone! You can't!" Josh begged. Harry just laughed.

"I won't. I'm not even going to tell Simon I know. And neither are you." Harry demanded.

"But why not, he deserves to know." Josh was honestly and purely scared.

"Look, you're going to keep your mouth shut and do as I ask or I'm going to tell everyone." Harry threatened. Josh gulped and nodded his head. He wasn't going to risk everything, not after he promised Simon. Harry left Josh to 'enjoy' his lunch. He didn't say anything the rest of the day. That is, until Harry came up to him at the end of the day.

"Josh I need you to do me a favor." he reached into his backpack and pulled out some magazines. "I need you to return these to my friend." Harry ordered.

"But I promised my mum I'd come straight home today." Josh told him.

"Well, I have a club and my mum is picking me up afterwards meaning, I can't go to his house today but these need to get there today." Harry gave Josh the magazines. Harry then told him where his friend's house is. "You're going to do it. You have no choice." Sadly, it was true. Josh didn't want Harry to tell the world of his and Simon's shameful secret. He ran to Harry's friend's house so that way he might not be too late getting home. Why did it pan out like this? Harry just seemed to know where to be. Josh was just dreading seeing Simon again, which is strange for him to think about. He loves seeing his friend but, not when he has to lie to him. When Josh got to the correct house he knocked on the door. While he waited he looked down at what Harry had given him. Comic book, comic book, playboy book? Comic book. Josh instantly put the books in correct order again. He didn't know if the comic books were a cover, or the playboy book was an accident or whatever, but he could care less. After handing over the books, he sprinted towards house getting there ten minutes late. This is the first promise Josh breaks.

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