Chapter 10

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"So, where do you work?" Josh asked, taking another bite of his pizza.

"At the cinema." Tobi replied with his mouth full. "How old are you guys?"

"Fifteen." they said in unison.

"Actually, I'm sixteen." Vik squeaked. Tobi just nodded in response.

"I wish I could play in a football team." Simon brought up randomly.

"Maybe we could start one. I have some friends who would join I'm sure." Tobi assumed. Simon opened his mouth to talk but a knock on the window stopped him. They all looked over to see JJ and Ethan waving, grinning like idiots. Josh waved them in.

"Hey guys what you up to?" JJ leaned over the other booth seat behind Tobi and Vik.

"Talking about starting a football team." Josh caught them up.

"Oh cool, can we be part of it?" Ethan asked for permission.

"Yeah, totally. We need to figure what positions we're going to be to know how many more people we'll need." Josh declared. It was decided that Tobi would be goalie, Ethan left back, JJ right striker, Simon left striker, Josh right back, Vik CAM, and Harry CDM. After working out the details, the boys separated. Simon and Josh stayed with each other a little bit longer.

"Man I don't want to go home." Simon groaned. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Why?" Josh asked.

"Because I just don't want to. I like being able to do what I want." Simon explained.

"Well then don't it's only 3:00." Josh pointed out.

"Come with me." Simon waved Josh to follow. Josh noticed a change in Simon since he first met him. Although he is still very quiet and shy, when he is around his friends, he speaks up more, laughs, pushes himself out there a little bit. Josh admired his friend for coming out of his shell. Something Josh could feel he is doing as well. However, that feeling of something strange still lurked inside of him. Josh was starting narrow in on what it is but he wasn't sure he was ready to commit to the idea. The idea, that maybe, he is bisexual.

Simon led Josh all the way down the park. It surrounds a lake that is big, but still small enough to see the other side of. They took a seat on a bench in front of the lake that faced away from the setting sun. No one else seemed to be there. Just the two all alone. Exactly how Simon needed it to be.

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