Audio Recording: Medical Examiner Autopsy
"Many will report one, one, seven, six, Doctor Plazmas presuming. A body came in earlier this morning and I was asked to do the autopsy. After a very thorough investigation of the body, I came to conclude that the cause of death was lacerations to the throat as well as over 60% of the body, rendering some of the body to a mincemeat bite consistency. Many bone fractures including the femur, pelvis of the leg as well as the humerus and the clavicle of the arm. Both hands were crushed, I can only take that as he was either tortured first or whoever did this obviously doesn't believe in overkill. His skull was crushed, probably postmortem because as I said earlier the cause of death was lacerations. Many of his ribs and chest were shattered including the sternum, every one of his major arteries must've been cut. If this was really a murderer, it's like someone suck a wild beast onto this guy and this is really harder stuff. They're not even telling me who he is or where he came from and for some reason there are armed guards outside, but that's besides the point. I'm going to go on a look and search. Yeah, this is either an animal or a copycat to those Sleeper Killings that have been going on lately. The Sleeper Killings have, for the most part, been a lot more efficient than this though. I'm going to end my report with whoever did this is probably clinically insane or a full-blown psychopath. Follow-up reports on medical reports one, one, seven, six. A digital recorder was found in the left jacket pocket of the victim and a backpack was found in the vicinity of the body. Both have been brought to the lab for examination by Mike Tedd. Upon investigation of the body, a single piece of paper was found crumpled in the victim's mouth. It reads: 'Journal Entry One by Alex Atkins'. It contains further elaboration of missing person Alex Atkins. Whether or not the body found is indeed that of Mr. Atkins has yet to be confirmed. Further investigation needed."
- Doctor Plazmas
The Beast
HorrorThis is my first time writing. When you encounter a strange demonic being, what do you do? This story role-playing game is based on a fan series from the mid 2010s called 'Blue Pact' made by @404_Ciel (formerly P4percake) and this specific project I...