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Zee was sitting with Tutor, Mark and Net. They all looked up when Max arrived.

"You must be in real deep shit or else im gonna punch you in the face. I had to explain to Nat that you need me.for something that I dont know"
Max grumbled as he sat down. Mark handed him his beer and Max immediately had a sip.

"Now that we're all here, why did you call all of us here phi? And dont tell me its because you still cant get your perfume right"
Tutor told Zee.

Zee sighed and down his beer in one go.

"Woah woah. Is it this serious?"
Mark asked.

"I found the scent. And Net is right. It's my mate's scent"
Zee confessed.

"See! I told you! Now pay up!"
Net stood up grinning. Max, mark and tutor started taking their wallets out as they curse at Net.

"But phi, how is this massive trouble? Shouldnt you be excited by now?"
Tutor asked.

"Tutor's right for once. But if you have found your mate, then why are you here in a bar instead of being entangled with your mate?"
Mark asked too. Max looked at him as he sips his beer

Zee sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Because its Nunew. My fated mate is Nunew"
Zee blurted out surprising everybody.

Max got so shocked that he spat out his beer all over Tutor's shoes.

"What the fuck phi?!"
Tutor shouted.

Net laughed and went to grab a towel from the bar and handed it to Tutor.

"Nunew?! As in Nat's friend Nunew?"
Max asked in between coughs and Zee nodded his head.

"So the reason you're conflicted is because he's a beta?"
Net raised an eyebrow at him.

"Im not conflicted. I like him. I genuinely like the guy. But I dont know what to do. I dont know how to date a beta."
Zee said

"Phi, we date like traditional people. We're not hard to learn. Yes alphas and omegas have the bond. But betas have the connection. You talk, you learn things about each other. You discover each other's quirks. And once you've established that, you can fairly say that you know your mate like the back of your hand."
Tutor tells him

"And what if he wont like me? What of he rejects me?"
Zee said softly

"Then you let him go and move on. Life isnt about scents, or fated mates. You can be happy in following your own destiny phi. Trust me on this."
Net somberly said as he pats Zee's shoulder.

Zee sighed and sipped his beer. He knows that Net is right. He can clearly see the change in his friend. A good change. He's in a much better place now. Net's been through tough times, but he was able to surpass everything and now he's happy. He's happier than he has ever been, and Zee couldnt be more proud of him.

"But seriously, stop thinking about the things that may not happen. Be could he head over heels for you too, we dont know. And besides you havent even confessed yet, so think about how are you gonna tell him first"
Net chuckles at him.

"I dont plan on telling him. Well not yet"
Zee said as he downs another bottle.

"What do you mean not yet? What are you planning to do?"
Max asked

Zee opened another bottle with determination in his eyes.

"Im gonna win him over without him knowing. Im not gonna force him on this. Tutor is right, betas are born with the choice and im not gonna take that away. I want him to willingly give his heart to me."
Zee told everybody.

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