Chapter 2

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Author POV

Y/n opened her eyes and sat up, rubbing her sleepiness away. "When did I fall asleep." She mumbled to herself as someone flew past her causing her to actually start paying attention to her surroundings "what the fuck?" She stood up.  And looked around the building was a mess


The voice call out y/n turned around seeing a crawling ugly creature and she screamed bolting out the classroom 'what the fuck was that?' Shs asked  as her bare feet stepped in curse blood causing her to slip her caught her and she flipped over landing softly on her knee.


A curse crashed through the wall and hit the other ball  y/n  looked behind her a curse behind her and one infront of her  she went to the window sliding it open and  used the ledge she looked down  it was almost pitch black and the growned looked far she swallowed thickly and decided to climb up onto the roof using the pike. She grabbed the wall pulling herself up and she flopped down on her bottom catching her breath. "What the fuck is going on? Those things, why the hell - I was in my room."  She mumbled. As she got up she went and walked around the edge to see if there as an escape ladder some where. Three quick flashes went off before y/n saw a big ass curse landed on the other roof.  She quickly stepped back as the roof she was on started falling apart at the edge

"Wait...  a sec...." she saw a yellow jacket, and the curse head hit the ground and turned its attention to the boy in the yellow jacket."itadori! Why don't you get it! Just take those threw and run!"

"What the actual fuck...."  everything else was tuned out as y/n realized what was happening now. "I'm in jujutsu kaisen...." she trailed off she took a seat to process everything

"There is a way to save everyone!  I just need some cursed energy, right, fushiguro?!" "DON'T DO IT!"  megumi shouted y/n eyes trained on a figure watching below "is that... maya?" She asked herself.

With one swipe to the air, sukuna destroyed the curse.  Now that it was dead silent, y/n could hear the creepy laugh  of sukuna. Honestly, it was truly menacing to hear. "Ah, I knew it! Light feel best in the flesh!" He said ripping of the yellow jacket."Oop."  Y/n quickly shut her mouth. 'No now is not the time to be checking him out' she scolded herself.

"A cursed spirits flesh is no fun. Where are the people?" He said looking around "The women?!" He stepped on the rail "what a wonderful Era to be in.  Women and children are crawling everywhere like maggots." Y/n bit her fist, not only did she just get the ick, but the bastard was gonna take pleasure in ripping women and kids apart.  "MARVELOUS IT'LL BE A MASSACRE! AHAHA-euh?" Yuji grabbed his own face, catching the curse off guard  and pulled himself down from the rail."What do you think you're doing with my body? Give it back." "How are you able to move?" "I mean, it's my body."

If y/n didn't know the context, she would say yuji needed to be in a mental hospital. "Yuji are you back?" She heard a familiar voice  as she saw the girl creep closer to him "oh are you?" "The girl you saved from the curse."  Y/n sighed, scratching her head. 'Welp I'm not staying here so...' She searched her body and found her phone in her pocket along with her wallet that held all her personal data. "Ouu you bitch you didn't give me my headphones." Headphones appeared around her neck and she blinked. "Wait, whoever you are, you can hear me?"  There was nothing.

Y/n ignored the three's rambling down there and frowned "not only did you bring me here without my permission you ain't give me shit to work with  hand over some money so I can get the hell outta hear." She demanded  big bills filled her wallet. "Thank you."

Her attention was taken off the wallet as she heard familiar laughing and saw gojo. "The higher ups wouldn't shut up with a special-grade cursed object gone missing. So I stopped by while I was out for some sightseeing." He looked up from his phone after ending the pictures to the second year's. "So, did you find it?" He asked "um... sorry but I ate it." There was silence "for real?" Gojo asked  "for real." The three which included Maya responded  gojo tilted his upper body to the side then walked over to yuji bending down a little getting in his face he hummed and laughed getting closer to the point that their nose were touching. 'I see why yuji was blushing a little, gojo is way pass that personal space bubble.' She thought "Damn, it really did combine with you. How amusing."

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