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Hi pookies😍
Why are you reading gay fanfiction right now?
Anyways im watching those like stick figure drawn videos about the worst executions 🥰 there are a surprising amount!
Anyways guess what >:) ya know kiki? We think she lost kittens :( So...... in late june or early july.... Were welcoming snother furry friend into out home <3 AND IM SO EXITED (VRTJ(RUTICBIUTFN IM GONNA HAVE A CHPHOTOS ONCEI GET HER OKAY!? IDC IF THIS ISNT APART OF A FIC IM ALLOWED TO DO WHATEVER I WANT >:)

TW: verbally abusive parenting, yelling/raising voice at children, etc.

*the next day*

Sunny pov:

The morning sun shines through the hospital window, a calming morning. I hear a little knock on the door, assuming it's basil or kel. However, im wrong. The eye i was about to close shut from the sun, shot wide open.

"Hello, sunny." My mother speaks, irritation in her voice.

"Come on. Speak up. I'm your mother!"
"H-hello mom."
"Tch." She sits on the side of my bed and then turns her head to me.

"Why? Wanted to join your sister? Huh?"
(Fuckin bitch)
"God I can't leave you alone for 2 seconds huh? The second I leave for a trip you go ahead and try to kill yourself!"

She raises her voice, not screaming but still loud and stern enough to make me want to cover my ears. I avert my gaze and start looking at my hands
"Sorry.." I whisper

"Look at me! Come in im your mother! Have some respect!"

I look back up at her, I'm uncomfortable and a little scared right now, I know she won't hurt me, but I can't help it.

"Jeez. You know, mari wouldn't have done something like this. "


"Oh you don't want me to being her into this huh? Well then at least enlighten me on why you tried to commit suicide huh? I did nothing to you, ever! I was a kind loving mother who supported you and tried her best! And you repay me with this?! God why did I have to have a kid like you."

(This chapter sucks ehe sorry pookies idk how to write this)

"Oh for fucks sake you didn't do shit!"

"Don't raise your voice at me! And watch your language!"

"No! You were NEVER there! You were always at work when I needed you! Of course I tried to kill myself when my mom doesn't even love or care about me! I thought you might care when I kept asking for bandages! Bit you just bought them and avoided conversation! I thought you might care when there was blood on the bathroom floor and a knife was missing, but you didn't! And I though, that you might... judt maybe care.. that I would spend all day sleeping and refuse to leave! The most obvious sign of depression! But no! So don't you dare fucking say it came out of no where!"

Oh shit. I cover my mouth when I see the look on her face. A disgusting mix or rage and annoyance, she just clicks her teeth and walks away, when I finally let the tears that had been threatening to fall, fall. Oh God did I really just aay that? Did I really just yell at my mom? In the morning, at a hospital? Oh shit.

Soon enough these tears form unto full in sobs, as I'm curled up in my bed ignoring the sharp pain in my stomach, just crying.

Okay this is my least favorite chapter
Sorry it's so short, but I wrote this in five minutes and uhm just wanna say confession is coming up pretty soon. It's not gonna be anything special and romantic, it's just gonna kinda slip out yk? Yuh
Sorry this chapter rly did suck lmao

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