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A/n ive been researching for yall, i just read a 4 hour long blue lock bachira x isagi fanfiction, for research ofc😍 your welcome 😍😍😍😍😍

Kel pov:
I apologize to sunny for the awkward dinner before he heads home, i cant believe my mom and hero.
I head back to to dining room, my mom and hero still sitting there in silence, i walk over, and before i can open my mouth to speak, hero asks me a question,
"When you said sunny was your mari, what did you mean?" I froze, remembering how in the spur of the moment, i blurted that, i cant imagine what they might be thinking right now. My moms staring at her hands sitting in her lap, and my brother looking right at me.
"Answer me kel." I take a deep breath, before speaking,
"I love him ok? Ive been going to his house every day for four  years trying to help him, i ask questions about his mom and what she says about him all the time, i was the only one who visited him in the hospital, the signs were there. I didnt want to tell you like this though, i thought you guys would figure it out, and wait till i was ready, but i guess not." I clench my fists at my side and look to the ground, my eyes welling up.
"HES A FUCKING MURDERER SUNNY. HE KILLED MARI." Hero stands up to scream at me, but before he can continue, i respond
"Well if you dont like that then fuck you." I walk up to my room, and slam the door.

Hero pov: (a/n yall plot twist?? Hes the mc :00/j)

I sit there in pure shock. I dont know exactly what i was expecting, probably not that though.
I dont know how to feel, i want to be there and support my little brother, but when its for sunny? A murderer? The boy who killed the only girl ive ever loved? (Romantically ofc) but then again, i dont even know how to feel about sunny.
Kel said during dinner he was going through shit, and at the end of the day, hes 17. Hes 17 and looks like a twig, 17 with hundreds of scars, and he was 12. That never really occurred to me, the thought, that he was just a child when she died, a child sho went through hell, and maybe, even a little bit, because of me.

Well not i feel like shit, because maybe sunny wasnt lying, maybe it was an accident. I excuse myself from the table and go upstairs to me and kels room, i hear quiet sobs, realizing what i had done, and how he was right again, that was no way to react to an accidental coming out. I knock and hear no response, so i slowly open the door, peeking around before seeing kel sitting on his bed, curled up in tears. Oh. I really fucked up.
I sit down beside kel, he looks up and me,
"Go away."
"Im sorry."
"..." silence. I take a deep breath,
"To you, and sunny. I misjudged him too soon. He opened up about a very vulnerable topic and i treated him like this for it, for something that wasnt his fault, and i reacted horribly to you telling me you loved him. Im sorry."
"You know, you really fucked up with him." Kel pauses, but i wait for him to continue,
"Your a phycology major right? Arent you supposed to see when someones hurting? Struggling? Because that day, on the hospital roof.." he paused again, taking a deep breath as a few more tears fell down his cheeks,
"He tried to kill himself."
I felt as though at that moment time had frozen. I was supposed to understand emotions, feelings, and phycology, i was supposed to make others feel better, but instead, i was the final push, to make someone, someone so close to me, try to kill themselves.
"You really fucked up bad hero, really, really bad!" He says, now hugging me, more tears rushing down his face, i just hug him back, as we cry, together.

A/n  welcome to another episode offffffff "repeating the same thing for the entire chapter!!!" Todays special guest isssss drumroll pleaseeeeee, hero!!

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