Chapter 11

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11:32 pm

Kevin: You still up?

Jade: no

Kevin: What?

Kevin chuckles to himself, a blue light emitting directly at his face as he types

Kevin: What's up? Haha

Jade: found a secret place

Kevin shoots up from the bed

Kevin: You know it's 11 right? You gonna get caught haha

Jade doesn't reply for a while which made Kevin worried.

Kevin: Where?

Asks Kevin, finally caving in

Jade took a moment to reply but told him a couple of minutes later

Jade: 7th floor emergency exit staircase

Kevin immediately stood up, grabbed his hoodie and with his flipflops he heads out.

Kevin: Got it

He types as he goes for the elevator. As soon as the elevator opens, he is met with 2 teachers talking about something, too busy to notice Kevin.

Kevin quickly hides and runs toward the 4th floor emergency exit staircase, the floor which their hotel room sits.

He contemplates whether to try going up through the elevator again but decided not to take the risk, so he climbs the stairs from the 4th floor to the 7th

By the time he reaches the 7th floor, exhaustion filled his face gasping for air.

He sees someone wearing a red oversized hoodie that seemed too big for the small frame of the person but decided to call her name out anyway

"Jade" he says, his words rolling out of his tongue like a form of endearment.

He hasn't heard from Jade since the trip from the museum nor had she replied from any of his texts and though it has only been a day, he missed his  dear friend.

Jade turns to him with a smile, her hoodie covering her whole face except for the eyes.

Kevin, still gasping for air and a hand on one knee, can't help but to laugh of how ridiculous Jade looked

" You look like a burrito!!" Kevin laughs hysterically which earned a laugh from Jade too.

" I'm one of those spider man you get at the dollar store you see" Jade added and they snicker at this.

Jade sits down on the stairs and motions for Kevin to sit beside her.

There's this huge window overlooking the city lights across from where they sat, the lights looking like sea of stars, like they were within reach.. it was beautiful and with both of their days worth, the scenery was calming

They were both silent, but not the awkward silent, the 'okay' silent, where it didn't matter if no one said anything

" Nice place" says Kevin still looking out the window.

Jade nods her head lightly

" What's with your outfit" Kevin says laughing

" Forgot my mask" Jade says, trying not to show how upset she was earlier.

Kevin's eyebrows furrow for a moment, thinking she must be kicked out by Liberty and her friends, that's why she's here but says nothing

" How were your roommates though?" Kevin asks

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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