Chapter 9

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" How's the trip? I'm really sorry, I didn't have time to help you prepare honey." Ruby says at the other line.

" It's fine ma, oh and we just arrived at the hotel......... I'm nervous." Jade whispers at the end of her sentence when she got to the lobby of the hotel.

She waits for her roommates who's bus haven't arrived yet while she waits for Kevin as he uses the comfort room.

" Oh, don't be sweety, try to enjoy your trip. I mean it's been so long since you participated in this kind of things, it wouldn't hurt to atleast enjoy?" She asks sweetly on the other line.

And with her mother's words, she suddenly remembers everything from her past. Jade quickly tries to remove it from her head.

" Yeah... uhmm, I'll call you back." And she hangs up at the speed of light, not long enough, Kevin came back from the comfort room with his hair a bit wet on the front ends.

" What'd you do?" Asked Jade.

" Washed my goddamn greasy face." He retorts which caused Jade to giggle.

They head over to the sofa and waited for their roommates.

Finally, a bus came that contained an auburn head girl with two other girls that looked like they were the best of friends.

The three proceeded to enter the hotel lobby then to the desk.

Jade noticed them talking to the front desk clerk and so a card was handed to them. While Jade was staring, she subcontiously locked eyes with the auburn haired girl.

Slowly, the three make their way to Jade.

Jade tenses up and nervously tugs Kevin's sleeves.

Kevin looks her way and his eyes lands on that auburn hair that he once ran his fingers through.

Finally, the three girls reach them both. A smile plastered on their faces.

" Hi, are you Jade?" One of the girls asks.

" Yeah?" Jade replies, unsure why they were asking her.

" Great! Let's go." The auburn haired girl grabbed Jade, not paying much attention to her ex.

Jade gets dragged along, everything happening so fast for her. She looked back at Kevin who had a worried expression plastered on his face.

He waves goodbye and gestures a ' You're going to be just fine' sign.

Jade nods nervously and went along.

When they entered the elevator, no one dared to speak and the silence was deafening for everyone in that closed space.

When they got into their rooms, the three girls quickly laid down on the bed. Leaving Jade standing in the corner, awkwardly fiddling with the lace of her hoodie.

The auburn head girl which seemed to be the leader of the group takes notice at Jade's current situation and taps the space near her, telling Jade to come sit with her.

She seemed genuine, Jade thought but she was still cautious of her.

She tried putting the pieces together and came up with a conclusion that the auburn haired girl is Liberty and was Kevin's girlfriend.

So she sat down uncomfortably beside Liberty although the bed was like a cloud and there's no possible reason to not be comfortable but the presence in the room was pretty awkward.

" I'm Liberty." She smiles genuinely at Jade, showing a perfect set of teeth.

Jade was mesmerized of her beauty and introduced herself as well and so as to the other girls.

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