Chapter 3

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" Evii!!!" shouted Clyde excitedly.

" Oh hey! You came." Jenevy welcomed Kevin in while Kevin carries Clyde up in his arms.

" Yeah, it's really boring back in the house, you should go there sometime." Offered Kevin.

" Hmm... Nahh!" Jenevy jokingly refused.

Kevin pouted and looked at Clyde, looking funny. Clyde giggled and pinched Kevin's lips.

" Unfair! I always make some time to visit, why can't you visit me? Right Clyde?" asked Kevin, still pouting like a child.

" Haha!! Well, if you cleaned your room, then amaybe I'd try." Jenevy teased.

" Really!? Oh I will! You'll see, it'd be sparky clean like.... Hmmmm... like a mirror." Kevin puts his fist up, determined.

" Well, let's see you try." Jenevy teased.

Kevin sat on the floor with Clyde and played with him.

Whenever he visits her sister, he and Clyde would play for hours and he takes care of him really well.

He would always visit without notice and just turn up infront of the door.

Kevin and her sister are best of friends, their parents were always away so Jenevy basically stood as the mother figure in Kevin's life but when Jenevy had already made a family of her own, she moved out and lived with her husband.

Kevin hands out a pocky stick to his nephew, and they both sat infront of the tv, munching on the chocolate coated stick while watching cartoons.

" Kevin, don't give Clyde anymore chocolates, he's like developing some sort of a sweet tooth, he couldn't stop eating sweets." Jenevy sighed as she calls out from the kitchen

Kevin and Clyde looked at each other and they both finished up the pocky stick as fast as they could.

" Uhmm.. Yeah, sure." Kevin smiled at his nephew while he puts his finger on his lips as if making a 'hush' gesture and they both giggled silently.

After playing and watching cartoons with Clyde, Clyde fell asleep on Kevins arms and he slowly carried him to his room and went downstairs to help his sister prepare for dinner.

Kevin silently, washes the chopping board, knives and other tools that her sister used in chopping the ingredients. while his sister cooks the food.

As soon as Kevin finishes washing, her sister was done cooking their dinner.

" Pssst. Taste this for me." Asked his sister while holding out a spoon with sauce on it.

After tasting, Kevin raised his thumb and proudly smiled at his sister's cooking skills which caused Jenevy to punch his brother playfully on the arm and laughed.

Kevin then went to the living room with his sister and picked up his hoodie.

" Bye!" Kevin suddenly said.

" Wait, I thought you were going to stay for dinner?" asked her sister concerned.

Kevin fell silent just for a few seconds before answering.

"Nahh.. Thanks for offerring though, tell Clyde I said goodbye." Kevin smiled and hurriedly went out.

" Wait---" Jenevy was confused as to why her brother was rushing but she thought that maybe he had some errands to do.

When he was finally outside, Kevin sighed, he didn't want to bother the family time of her sister with her husband, considering that Clyde was already asleep.

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