Chapter 1

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" Ma.. I'm going!" Jade told her mom on the kitchen.

"Yes honey becareful!"

She stood there facing the door, hesitating to open it.

"Honey, if stares could kill, the door would have melted." Her mom came out of the kitchen and was leaning on a wall with her arms crossed.

"Right" she said awkwardly. Finally she opened the door and walked outside.

Uhmm, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!.... Yep..... I'm gonna die for sure. 😅

"Please come in." The teacher asked Jade while she stands awkwardly at the door of the classroom.

" Why don't you introduce yourself little miss." The teacher smiled at her and she was mortified, she knew she had it coming but didn't expect it to be sooner.

"I'm Jade."
After a few moments of silence and awkwardness.

What the heck was that? ' I'm Jade ' ... that was the most plain and boring introductions ever.... I'm really going to die. Jade thought.

*dies inside.

" Okay, anything else Ms. Jade?" The teacher smiled at her.

Jade shakes her head politely.

" Jade, why don't you show the class your face?" The teacher asked.

" Oh.. uhmm.. I have colds. Really, really bad colds. "

Jade bit her lip, thinking, it was the lamest excuse ever but seeing how her teacher was okay with it. She released.

"Oh, that's too bad, well class, be good to Jade."

Jade proceeded to sit in a vacant chair, she heard the girl seating next to hear groaned. She worried that she might catch Jade's "cold" and annoyed that of all seats Jade chose to sit next to her.

Through out the whole class, she glared at Jade keeping her distance from her. Jade's uneasiness caused her to tug on her sleeves and bit her lips mercilessly.

The class had ended and Jade went to the comfort room to check on her lips.

Looking in the mirror, she sighed, after seeing that yet again, she had new bruises on her lips.

She grabbed some tissue papers and wet it ever so slightly, she then carefully pressed the damp tissue on her lips.

She whimpered because of the pain but held it in. After a few minutes, she was done and hurriedly went to her 2nd class.


I'm lost.

Jade didn't know where to go, she had been looking for History class for 10 minutes now but still no luck. She didn't know how to ask other students so she just kept it to herself.

Luckily her teacher from her first period spotted her in the empty halls and guided her to history class.

When she entered, she felt like vomitting. Everyone's looking at her, curious as to why she was late or why she had a face mask on.

Jade had just moved together with her mom, she really didn't have a good relationship with her dad, so when her mom and her dad divorced, she went with her mom without a second thought but moving means, leaving everything behind and start a new beginning; new house, new school, new environment.

Ofcourse, she knew the consequences but she was willing to take it just to be with her mom.

After attending one more class, finally lunch arrived, now for most students, this maybe the best time ever but for Jade. It means, finding a seat in a sea of sharks.

The face mask troubled her because every now and then, she was asked what happened and would receive glances everywhere.

She wandered around the school finding herself a place to eat but never entering the school cafeteria.

Finally she found a large field at the back of the school where there were bleachers surrounding it. She placed herself under the bleachers and started eating.


She couldn't really eat properly because of the bruises on her lips, every time she would take a bite out of her delicious burrito, it would open up her lip wounds.

After eating a bit of her food she gave up. She got up and found a trashcan, she threw her food and went to her next class.

Not far from Jade, a boy laying on the field saw what she did.

" What the.... What?? But WHY?! That food was freaking holy !!" He groaned a loud talking to himself.

He rolled his body back and forth on the grass like an idiot sushi roll with his hands up.

Last class had finally come to an end and Jade, drained out of her mind started walking to get to her house.

Surely, first days of school are the worst, they would always ask her to introduce herself and that always scared her. She didn't like standing infront of everyone staring at her like there's no tomorrow.

Finally, she arrived home and was welcomed with a hug from her loving mother.

" So, how was school?" Asks her mom.

" I need cream. " Jade said while taking her shoes and bag off.

" Oh no. Did you bit your lips again?" Asks her mom concerned about Jade.

" A bit. " Jade simply said.

" Honey, why do you always do this? I mean... what do you get from hurting yourself?" Her mom frowns handing her the lip cream.

" I don't know ma, I think I have anxiety or something..." Jade trailed off, her voice quiet.

" Honey, you're strong, you could do this. Okay?" Her mom said, kissing her on the head.

"Well, have you made any friends?" Asks her mom changing the topic

" Nope!" Jade replied enthusiastically.

" What? Why are so happy?" Asked her mom laughing causing Jade to laugh too.

" I don't... I just... puwahhhaha!!!" Jade burst into more laughter together with her mom. They already knew that Jade never made friends on the first day of school and for her mom to ask the obvious, it cracked them both up.


"Oww!!" Jade shrieked, her lip wounds opened up because of too much laughing.

"Oh sh*t!" Her mom shocked.

The night ended, with Jade only having a smoothie and Ruby, her mom having meatballs for dinner.

For the next 4 days, the students seemed to forget about the transferee who wore a mask. They would ran into her but ignore her or just avoid her because of her "colds"

I feel covered Jade thought. Wearing the face mask, it gave her some sort of barrier between people, she didn't feel that vulnerable anymore.

Hi again, nothing much happened here but please be patient, we'll get to it after a few chapters....
You see.. It's my first time sharing you my story...
Uhmm, it would be very kind of you if I had some opinions or feedbacks on this, I would very much appreciate it..
Again Thank you very much and pls don't be too hard on me.. 😫

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