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Sunoo and Jungwon were on their way to find their second and last victim of the day. Their leader gave orders to have a maximum of two humans turned each day and Sunoo was more than motivated to turn two young victims. "I don't like old vampires" he would say.

Jungwon remembers the day he turned into a vampire.He was just 5 years old and was a orphan, a kind couple adopted him, kind, that's what he thought untill he did something he was said not to do at all costs.

"don't go to the store room ever okay wonnie?"  The woman smiled at her 5 year old son.

Jungwon nodded smiling as brightly and went on to play with his new toys his dad bought him.

Later that night Jungwon couldn't fall asleep because he was so curious of what was going on in the store room, so he decided to just peek a little. 

"Nobody would know if I hide" He mumbled to himself and made his way to the very back of the house where the storeroom was.

as he neared the storeroom he smiled a bit hearing his mom and dad's voices.

"someone's here" His dad said and Jungwon stopped right where he was.

"That's not possible, Jungwon is asleep and nobody is around, just finish things and we'll get going." Jungwon sighed in relief and kept walking forward untill he came near the door.

A yellow bulb was the only thing lighting the room.

Jungwon proceeded to open the door a little more so that he could see his mom and dad but the stupid door made a sound and Jungwon was caught.

"Hehe! surprise!!" The five year old yelled as he entered the room fully but screamed in terror the moment he saw his mom and dad's mouths filled with a red liquid and a man with his eyes wide open and immobile thrown onto the ground.

That's how the five year old's life was turned around.His dad decided to turn him into who they were, a vampire, a stupid bloodsucking monster like them.

Jungwon hated it, but how was a 5 year old supposed to fight supernaturals like them? Jungwon always thought how his life would be if he just didn't walk to the store room that day. Maybe he would have lived a normal life, adopted a puppy and go to movies and the arcade like the others of his age do. well, his age isn't exactly 19 but still, maybe he would be a grandpa now who is satisfied and lived a long life. but that's not gonna happen anyways. he's stuck at the age of 19, always.

"Found it!" Sunoo's excited voice forced Jungwon to exit from his trail of thoughts.

"what?" Jungwon asked confused but when he followed Sunoo's line of sight, there it was. A human, he was tall but looked young, around 18. Jungwon thought.

Sunoo started moving forward but Jungwon was quick to pull him back.

"what now!?" Sunoo whisper yelled.

"there's someone with him and look closely. They are armed." Jungwon said pointing to the young boy's sleevs where he hid his gun.

"are they sorts of mafias?" Sunoo commented.

"They are hunters Hyung, let's get away from here." Jungwon pulled Sunoo slightly.

Sunoo clicked his tounge and pulled his arms away from Jungwon's soft grip."we have powers fool, we can take them down" He said.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself or it might cost us our lives, we never know how powerful or skilled they are, let's go back, we've had our victim anyways." Jungwon said.

"we need another Won!"

"no we don't, now let's go before they notice us or we are dead."Jungwon makes his way back and Sunoo reluctantly follows.


"Huh? Hey Hyung I felt someone's stare just now." Ni-ki scratches the back of his head turning to Jay and to the back of the bushes.

"You're just too sensitive, let's go." Jay shruggs.

Ni-ki folowed his hyung still galncing near the bushes and to the road ahead. someone was definately here just now.

"still let's stay cautious, just in case." Ni-ki warns and Jay hums nodding.

They were just some blocks away from their house and Jay already spotted a vampire, but this one was crawling on the ground and looked weak.

"what the heck? is that some trick?" Jay pulls out his crossbow and aims at the creature.

"looks like a new vampire, he isn't alerted by our movement and not to mention he is crawling on the ground." Ni-ki mentions with a slight laugh which sounded much like a scoff.

Jay breaths deeply. "New or old, that thing should die already. we should ease his suffering shouldn't we now." 

"Oh no you don't! get the hell away!" the hunters turn to the unknown loud voice only to find a guy with fox like appearence and a cat-boy hiding behind him.

Jay sighes "go away kids, this is not something you should meddle with."

Sunoo takes a step forward and Jungwon was quick to hold his arm to stop him from moving further.

"Look, hunter dorks. leave him while I'm being nice or I wouldn't be responsible for your trauma." Sunoo glares at both the hunters one-by-one.

"let's go hyung, the other one is preparing to shoot." Jungwon whispered when he noticed Ni-ki's laser like glare and his skillful hands moving slowly to take his gun out, but Jungwon's eyes were more skillful.

Ni-ki quickly pulled out his gun and fired towards the two but they just dissapeared in thin air, or did they not? 

"where the heck did they go?!" Ni-ki stood their holding his gun still pointing the front.

"they were vampires weren't they?" Jay's calm voice shocked Ni-ki.

"you are rediculously unfazed, like they didn't just dissapear into nowhere!" the younger says but gasps when he turns back and the crawling vapire is nowhere either.

"they didn't dissaper, they ran away. . .too fast at that.They weren't normal, no wonder there was no rotten smell around at all." Jay mentions.

"so you knew they were vampires?" 

Jay nods."I thought we could trick them, but looks like we need a new strategy for these new variants."

"they looked normal though, attractive too." Ni-ki nods to himself.

Jay scoffs. "oh please, attractive or whatever they are freaking monsters and deserve nothing other than death." He puts his crossbow back into the bag.

"woah, you are so merciless." Ni-ki jokes.

Jay sighes at that. "they don't deserve it."

"Not even the werewolves?" Ni-ki asks.

"Werewolves can be forgiven, they are mostly harmless and respectful, not filthy like those leeches." Jay galances at the ground where the vampire was just now.

"That poor kid, he is gonna die as a monster." he looks back at Ni-ki and walks forward and the younger follows.


A/N: for those who didn't understand, Jungwon has the same ability as in dark moon. So, he used his super speed and ran away with Sunoo and the new vampie. 

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