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"ishq?"he whispers

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"ishq?"he whispers..

I should reply yes I should say something but  how? I am too stunned by his act ,I was just admiring my best friend or should I say my to be boyfriend and he pull me in his lap . Now most usable tongue of mine which always embarasses me, is not even capable of forming even a word. What the heck is wrong with me?! But what should I say!!!!

"Ishq?" He said coming closer to me

"Y-essss" I stammerd

"I want to tell you something" he continues meanwhile his hands were on my waist.

"Whha-tt" said . Shit I can't breathe.

He came more closer and his hands made there way to my hips and thighs he started caressing it while our eyes were locked and I swear my lips are just an inch from kissing him but then
he throws me on another side of couch.
"I wanted to tell you that stealing other's mobile phones does not consider as a good manner." He said controlling his laughter but a stupid, idiotic and most irritating grin made its way to his handsome face.

And then it clicked me...  His MOBILE PHONE!

He was taking advantage of my situation because due to our closeness my stupid mind forgot that I was mad at him and I have hid his phone to irritate him butt
He knows about that freaking phone and now I'm standing here like a clown!!!!!!
  And now it is annoying THE FU*K OUT OF ME !!!!

"You!!! Mr. Most irritating grin don't get so ahead of yourself .I didn't stole anything. I have misunderstood your phone as mine by mistake and nothing else." I lied.

"Ya sure" he laughed. Did he just laughed at me!
This is enough to break last barrier of my anger and then ....

" Oops!" I said innocently.

"I think I spilled my favourite matcha coffee on your phone"
"Ugghhh now its wasted" I said

"Obviously my mobile phone!!" He whinned .

"I mean my coffee ,it's wasted."


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Hope you find it interesting.

Your author, knk


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