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Kanishqa's pov:

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Kanishqa's pov:

Why is it so cold here?
It's past 1 AM, and I really need to sleep, but sleep is far from my eyes. With every passing hour, I feel colder, like someone is lowering the temperature. My head is throbbing, and it's not normal. I feel thirsty, so I get up from my bed and head to the kitchen. When I open my eyes, my room is a blur. I shake my head to clear it a little, and everything starts to come into focus. I fill a glass of water and hear someone, maybe from the balcony.

"Naina? Is that you?" Nobody responds. I move closer to the balcony, wondering who might be there. I peek through the gate, but nobody is there. Strange. Suddenly, a hand rests on my shoulder.

"Ah! Bhoot!" I scream. Someone else screams too.

"Ishqa, you scared me!" Naina shouts. I sigh with relief. It's her.

"Sorry, I was scaring myself. What are you doing here?" I move to leave, but she holds my hand and places her other hand on my forehead.

"You have a high fever, Kanu. You're burning up," she says, gasping.

"I've taken medicine. I'll be okay," I try to convince her with my tired voice. Just then, we hear a "hello, hello." She looks at her phone and cancels the call.

"I think I know that voice. Who was that on the phone?" I ask Naina.

"No one special. You should rest. Let's walk to your room," she says immediately. Suspicious. I'll dig into this later.

Back in my room, I wonder what type of medicines I took. They should make me feel better, but here I am, weak and frustrated. I close my eyes, and those amber eyes come to mind again. Recalling moments with Avyansh makes me smile. I wish he were here with me. He makes me feel safe and comfortable. I laugh, but it breaks when I hear a sound from the second floor. But nobody lives there. What if it's actually a ghost this time?

Despite being weak, I need to check. I move to the second floor with a broom in my hand for defense. I check the whole hall, but there's no one. It might have been a cat. I return to my room and find the lights off, though I remember leaving them on. I need to sleep and rest without overthinking. I close my eyes and shift on the bed.

Suddenly, I feel a hand snake around my waist. My eyes fly open, and I'm about to scream when someone grabs me and covers my mouth.

"It's me. It's okay, relax," a voice says. It's Avyansh. I calm down a little.

"Are you okay? It felt like checking on you." I signal him to remove his hand from my mouth. He does.

"Wait, you have a fever. Didn't you take your medicine?" he asks. Worried, his looks cute with this face.

I want him close.

Without thinking much, I did what I wanted to do. I didn't answer further, just hugged him tight. I might regret it tomorrow, but right now, all I needed was him. With my sudden movement, he fell on me, and now he was just above me, his shirt clenched in my hands. I hugged him tight.

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