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~ Avyansh Jindal ~

"Whaaatttt?!" I gasped in high volume.

She tried to shuhh me by keeping her finger on my lips.

But removed immediately after realising her act.
"Firstly, you threw two cups of coffee on me and then you are saying not to tell anything to uncle aunty."

"Kahaan fass gyi." She murmured to herself but I heard her..

"It was my mistake, I misunderstood." She tried to justify herself.

"Wait!! And what about the stunt you pulled at kitchen." I said her eyebrows form in a knot.. she looks cuttteee..and innocent..

"Which stunt?" She questioned

"You pulled me with you while falling." I lied to tease her. I know she didn't do anything I slipped by myself

"It was also not intentional. I swear I was going to have Bhajiya ( a crunchy food), you held my hand.. It was my reflexes and I also fall on ground not only you.." she said and I raised an eyebrow
" Sorry, I mean I am sorry I shouldn't have done that coffee thing and this stunt at kitchen. But listen to me please don't tell anything to them I think you're really a good and.. nice human being ,you don't want me to get embarrassed in front of them..... Right.?" She blurt out..

I'm hell controlling my laugh..

"Right, right. What will I get by this?"
I asked


"Tell me, It's a deal na so I want something in return. " I said

"What do you want now?!!" She shouted on me .

I gaspp.. " you are shouting on me!??"

She face palmed herself.. " What. Do. You . Want.?" She said calmly

" First, promise me you will give me whatever I will ask for.." I said

"Mr. Give me whatever, I'm not gonna promise anything, you're still a stranger. What if you ask for something weird. Wese bhi you're weirdo." She said turning her face to another side.. She has major trust issues.. GOT IT .

"I'll not ask you anything weird. I promise . Now?" I asked in my low voice ,sincerely looking straight to her eyes

" Okay. Promise." She said

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