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       ~Kanishqa Agarwal ~         Pov~

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~Kanishqa Agarwal ~

"Ishqa." Aunty calls

And I realised we are still laying on floor with him above me.
I quickly tried to move him. I mean just 'tried'.
He is heavy ,what is he A Hulk?
He moved himself and we both stand.

"Uncle, looks like you should install cameras at your home. Nowadays, thefts are increasing. Even in broad day light." One that was lying top of me few moments ago said.

"Excuse me. Mr. theft in broad daylight (in air quotations) I'm not s thief." I said

"Then what're you doing here?" He asked

"I forgot my mobile phone here. I came back to just take it.
Aunty, uncle who are they? Why are they here?" I said glaring at both of them. One is staring at me again and second one seems like his friend was grinning like a idiot. That's what they are idiots.

"Ishqa, they're our guests." Uncle said.

Not again! Don't say I fall on floor with there guest. Whyy god ? Always making me embarrassed.

"Kannu, why are you so late? I was waitin-" Nain joined from back door but stopped in her way.

"Looks like I disturbed you guys! Carry on" and was about to leave when I stopped her..
"Naina!" Giving her are you serious look.

"Okay girls! Now you're here to join us." Aunty said

"It's ok aunty, we are just leaving for merry's cafe and some walk." I smiled at her

" Ishqa Nain .Join us , I'll make coffee for you " uncle said.
" Yes join us " friend of him said.
I looked towards Naina but she was busy glaring someone. I nodded at uncle.
"Okay if you say so" i said and smiled

"Looks like, you love coffee way too much ." That amber brown eyes guy said
Making my eyes widen and heat rushed to my cheeks due to embarrassment. Recalling yesterday's events.
Nain noticed it and " you guys continue, we will join soon." She said, smiling.

Everyone left, leaving me and Naina here.
"So kanishqa Agarwal say, what's happening?"

"Nain, they are same guys." I whispered

"What guys?" Dumb naina

"That coffee shop incident, yesterday.
I threw coffee on a stranger? Remember?" I said, she nodded.

"He is the the one I threw coffee on" i said and she started laughing

"That's why you're blushing when he mentioned coffee" still laughing

" I was not blushing you stupid. I was embarrassed " I defend myself

"You are still laughing..! I'll not talk to you" I said and stomp my feets,came where everyone was.
Behind me, Naina was saying sorry. I'll not forgive her easily.

"Girls meet Avyansh and Lanav." Shallu aunty said.
I smiled at them "I'm Kanishqa Agarwal" , Nain did the same" Naina Chopra."
Then they " Hy, I'm Lanav Mehra and he is my best friend Avyansh Jindal."

"Do you guys know eachother by any chance?" Uncle asked,his army mind uff.
I looked at them, I hope neither of them open their mouths.

"Uncle woh-" I was about to say no when he interrupted me.

"We know eachother." And I was standing there red faced completely shocked..
Ab he will tell everything.. Paap lgega isse!

"How?" Uncle questioned

I was pleading him through my eyes , don't say anything. How will they feel when they will get to know I threw not one but two cup of cold coffee on their guest.

"We just introduced ourselves. Now we know eachother, right kanishqa?" Avyansh said, he was smirking at me..

"Huh? Ya.. yess.. right" I said and smiled ..
Introduction esa hai toh ab aage kya hoga! Why always me?

"Ishqa, you know Avyansh's father was my school friend, we had alot of fun that's when I meet your aunt. I am good looking anyway." Uncle said

I giggled.

"Muh miya mithu!" Aunty said making everyone laugh
( A hindi phrase saying to singing one's own praise)

"I'm good looking. I still have a girlfriend,wife" he said, making aunty face palm herself.

"Ofcourse,you have" I said and got seated to the uncle's left.

Everyone was talking when Avyansh's phone rang and he excused himself.


              ~Avyansh Jindal~                Pov~

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~Avyansh Jindal~

I excused myself to pick this phone call. And after declining it turn to walk inside when someone tried pulled me to the corner and stumbled when I moved myself.
Resulting my hands on person's waist so that she doesn't fall.

Yes she , Kanishqa cornered me.. if someone else have tried it must be crying till now , but she is different.
Her eyes were shut ,she thinks she will fall ..she opened her one eye saw me and opened both of her eyes ..

"Avyansh, leave me" she whispered

I immediately leave her. She is blushing... Its time to have fun.

" You cornered me , tumhare irade kuch shi nhi lag rhe mujhe? Dekho mei esa wesa ladka nhi hu." I said
( Your intentions doesn't seem right. See I'm not that type of guy)

"FYKI (for your kind information) Mr. Avyansh Jindal. My intentions are nothing about what you are thinking and I'm not interested in you." She said , now she is angry..

She said she is not interested in me
' why? Take interest in me.' I murmured to myself

"What?"she said .

"Nothing " I said

"I wanted to talk to you about something." She said. Yes please talk to me.

I nodded.

"Yesterday whatever happened at that coffee shop was not intentional. I didn't do it purposely, it was a mistake and I apologized too. Don't tell anything to uncle & aunty. They will not like it." She said.

I know this was coming.

Let's have some teasing..



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Your author,

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