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short chapter 550+ words..
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~ Avyansh Jindal ~

"What the fuck!"
Someone threw cold coffee on me , I just open my eyes to see who dares to do the task..
But..what I'm seeing right now is incredible, this human is incredible. Again one more coffee landed on my face. Nevermind, I think she likes doing it..

She looks a bit angry yet pretty. She is breathtaking I can't tear my eyes from her.

"You creep!! You followed me here." She said.

She has pretty voice.
She called me creep, Is she giving me a nickname?
Why don't she take my name its not like I mind this nickname.
Is she real?

Lanav said something and started cleaning my face. I ignored.

But this makes her pretty eyes go wide. She is getting red. It suits her. Wait. Is she blushing? Her expressions yrr..

She is coming towards me... she is touching MY FACE!

Why is everything getting blur except her? My heart is beating at abnormal speed. Am I going to have a heart attack? No God, not now I want to watch her for few more moments.

I'll buy her thousands of cold coffee drinks just to get drenched by it. If she is gonna touch me like this.

She was about to remove her hands..
But I kept it back.
" I like it, here" I said
Her eyes widen once again .
She is cute.

"Whh-at?" She shuttered. She has pretty voice I think I mentioned it before but never mind.
She looks shocked. And suddenly removes her hands ..
" He meant.. he likes coffee there-on his face.. yaa .. you know it keeps skin healthy and glowing. He is a little fond of coffee and it's products. See.."
And he threw his coffee on me too.

I was glaring at him.. what bullshit is he talking?? Me? Coffee? And how dare he threw coffee on me?
'you didn't said these things when she threw coffee on you..' my inner voice mocked

She made a weird face, that's when her phone rang and she ran from there .. near exit she turned and I winked at her.
Her face became red. She blinks few times and ran from there.
Smirk made its way to my face.
Lanav standing front of me , controlling his laughter..
"What?" I asked in not so interested tone.

"What?..what? What?" He sings
"What happened to you?"
I just glared at him.

" You were gawking at that girl. I'm sure she must be praying ' God please! Don't make me meet them again ' Andddddd... YOU WINKED AT HER! This is not Avyansh Jindal. What's going on man?"

Actually, he is right for the first time. This is not me I never gawk at a girl but she was something different. I will not gonna admit it to him, anyway.

"Don't use your useless brain too much. Let's go we have plans and I need to take shower." I said

"You must have a useless brain! My brain is very useful!" He exists and get settled in car.
What is he a 5 year old?


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Your author, knk 🌙

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