Its not even been a day

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Kate's PoV

Yelena and I are sitting with Rhodey in the compound. The news bustling with stories about how Tony stark, Spider-Man and the storm soldier are missing. I wipe away a tear thinking about Evan, my heart aching at the distance between us right now. I gulp turning my attention back to rhodey who is talking to secretary Ross through a hologram. "Where is vision?" Ross asks as rhodey paces back and forth "satellites lost him over Edinburgh in Scotland". "On a stolen quinjet with four of the world most wanted criminals" rhodey clicks his tongue before answering mr Ross "you know they are only criminals because you chose to call them that right, sir?". "My god Rhodes, your talent for horse shit rivals my own" Rhodey starts walking towards the hologram "if it weren't for those accords, vision would have been right here". Secretary Ross gets up from his chair and starts walking to Rhodey "I remember your signature on those papers, colonel. You have second thoughts?" "Not anymore". The doors open as cap, Sam, wanda, vision and Nat all walk in "mr secretary". "You got some nerve I'll give you that. The world's on fire. You think all is forgiven?" The secretary walks toward cap. "I'm not asking for forgiveness, and I'm not asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defenders. So we are here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way... we will fight you too" cap says as the secretary turns "arrest them" he says to Rhodey. Rhodey swipes the hologram away closing it down. I walk up to Natasha wrapping my arms around her "it's ok Kate ... we will get them back". "You guys look like crap, must have been a rough couple of weeks" Rhodey teases as Nat steps away wrapping her arms around Yelena and I. "Yeah the hotels weren't exactly five star" Sam smiles as Bruce emerges from behind us "I think you's look great". Everyone turns, including Nat who looks at Bruce shocked "yeah I'm back" he smiles clapping his hands. "Hi Bruce" Nat smiles as I nudge Yelena "Nat".

We all move to the meeting room as Bruce stands up "ok look, thanos has the biggest army in the universe

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We all move to the meeting room as Bruce stands up "ok look, thanos has the biggest army in the universe... and he's not gonna stop until he ... he gets ... visions stone". We all look to vision as Nat steps forward "well we have to protect him". "No we have to destroy it. Iv been giving it a great deal of thought to this entity in my head. About its nature. But also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently high energy source something very similar to its own signature, perhaps ... its molecular integrity would fail" vision walks to wanda holding her arms as he looks at her. Looking at wanda you can see her displeasure at the thought "and you with it ...were not having this conversation". "Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that thanos can't get it" vision softly argues wihh the Wanda. "That's too high a price" Wanda states looking at vision as we all watch. "Only you have the power to pay it" vision insists as my mind drifts to Evan watching the two lovers interact. This morning feeling like a lifetime ago, laying with our naked bodies pressed against each other, now she's literally in space. Wanda turns and walks away from vision as he continues "Thanos threatens half the universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him". "But it should. We don't trade lives vision" cap replies as I turn and look at him. "Captain ...70 years ago you laid down your life to save how many millions of people ... tell me why is this any different?" Vision walks towards cap. "Because you might have a choice, your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, ultron, Tony, me, the stone. All of them mixed together, all of them learning from one another" Bruce walks up towards vision and cap. As relief floods over wandas face "are you saying vision isn't just the stone?". Bruce turns to Wanda, then looking round the room "what I'm saying is ... if we take out the stone, there's still a whole load of vision left. Perhaps the best parts". Nat looks at Wanda then at Bruce "can we do that?". I look to Bruce who shakes his head "not me, not here". I turn my attention to cap as Rhodey states "well you better find someone and somewhere fast. Ross isn't just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back". Cap nods his head looking at me and Yelena before addressing the room "I know somewhere".

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