My sandwich

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Evan's PoV

"Mind if I have a bite?" I grab the other half of Nats sandwich and take a seat beside her as she cries into her hands. Lifting her head away from her hands she looks at me and chuckles, her eyes filled with tears "you're always eating my food so how's this time any different?". Taking a bite out of her sandwich I place my hand in hers "it's ok to cry Nat, crying means there is a love there". She smiles at me picking up her half and biting it "when did you get so wise and grown up?". Leaning back in my chair I sigh feeling her hand tighten around mine "what else do you do in five years? When you loose everyone you care about". She looks at me with a teasing smile, a bit of jelly on her lip "oh so you don't care about me?". "Maybe a little bit" I smile pointing to her lip as she wipes away the leftover jelly. "I'm glad you're here's nice having you, you have grown into a true friend of mine" she squeezes my hand as tears well in her eyes again. "I'm glad I have you too Nat. I don't think I would have gotten through the last five years without you" my voice trembles before I lift the sandwich again taking a bite. "You know I'd offer to cook yous dinner but you seem pretty miserable already" Nat looks behind me as I turn my head seeing Steve lean against the book shelf. "You here to do your laundry?" Nat asks as I turn back to my sandwich knowing what's coming. "And to see you guys...because Evan was supposed to meet me at my group" Steve points as Nat gives me a look. "Oh really? Evan you said you had zero plans today" Nat snarks as I huff and turn in my chair to look at Steve. "I don't want to go to group...I don't need to go to group" I point pushing my empty plate across the table. "It's good for you to talk about it Evan ... you ...we all experienced huge loss" Steve argues back as I roll my eyes. "I'm aware. And your way of coping is different to mine...I'm coping just fine Steve" Nat places her hand on my shoulder before looking to Steve "as you can see ...your friends are just fine". Steve looks down and nods as the frustration inside me slowly dies down "you know, I saw a pod of whales when I was coming over the bridge". Ok yep my frustration is building up again "in the Hudson?" Nat asks as he nods. "There's fewer ships ... cleaner water" I look up at Steve with a glare before Nat squeezes my shoulder again "you know if you're about to tell us to look on the bright side ... I'm about to let Evan hit you in the head with my left over peanut butter sandwich". I give Steve a cocky side smile as he apologises and walks towards the table to sit with us. As Steve sits opposite us I point at Nats left over sandwich "can I?" "Yes Evan" she laughs pushing the plate towards me. Steve watches me with a slight smile before he huffs and leans back "you know...I keep telling everyone they should move on...and grow. Some do... but not us". I inhale the sandwich and turn to Nat who keeps her gaze locked with Steve "if I move on, who does this?". "Maybe it doesn't need to be done" Steve crosses his arms and leans back. "I used to have nothing. And then I got this ...this job. This family ... and I was better because of it. And even though they are gone. I'm still trying to be better" Nat quietly says as my head hangs. Leaning back I look at Steve "three of the most important people in my life blipped aunt may who took care of me and my brother from when we were toddlers...she took us in as her own...she's basically my mom. My brother twin brother...unless you are a twin you'll never understand that connection...he's my best friend...he's been there through everything in my life. Kate Kate...the girl who I spent all of my teenage years utterly in love with and I know cap ...I know you experienced a similar hurt but I can't move on from this ...I won't ...I found the girl girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Nobody else compares to her ... and I won't just move on because she's not here anymore...till my last breath I will try everything in my power to bring them back". Steve nods with watery eyes, smiling sadly as I wipe away the tears tickling my cheeks "I just think we all need to get a life". "You first" Nat smiles rubbing her hand over my shoulder as I wipe the tears away. A beeping interrupts us as Nat opens the hologram up "oh hi,hi! Uh , is anyone home? This is Scott lang". I look up at the hologram in utter shock seeing antman standing at the front gates "uh, we met a few years Germany? I was the guy that got really big. I had a mask on." Steve stands up "is this an old message?". Nat stands up next as my eyes remain locked on someone we thought had blipped "it's the front gate".

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