Breaking news

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Kate's PoV

"You look beautiful" my mom beams as I walk into the bishop security building. "Thank you mom you look nice" I smile taking her hands in mine and showing her off as she curtsies. "Now let's head in ...and remember there's some people i would like you to meet tonight" my mom points at me as she links her arm in mine and walks us to the elevator. "Yes mom I'm aware" I groan as the doors open and we step inside. "It's Mr and Mrs Evan's and their son" my mom mumbles as the doors open up to the party. My head swivels to look at her, already knowing where this is going. "Mom no! Stop trying to set me up...I don't ...I don't need it" I whisper full of rage to my mom whilst smiling at the guests. "I'm not setting you up Kate, I just think could put yourself out there and ..." "mom I can tell you right now he isn't my type and just leave it alone" I cut her off following her through the crowd. "You don't know until you ...Ah Mr and Mrs Evan's it's a pleasure to see you's again" my mom plasters on her fake friendliness as a couple and a young man stand before us. "Eleanor please call me Robert" the older gentleman reaches his hand out to shake my mother's. "And please call me Scarlet" the lady clutches onto her husbands arm before turning to the young man beside them. "Eleanor this is our son Chris and I'm assuming this is your beautiful daughter Katherine?" The kind lady smiles at me as my mom gushes "yes this is my daughter Katherine" "it's Kate actually" I smile as my mom politely glares in my direction. "I prefer Kate to Katherine" I turn my attention away from the three adults to the couples son I now know as Chris "thank you" I smile making him blush and duck his head. "Kate darling why don't you show Chris around the place whilst I chat with Robert and Scarlet here" my mom places her hand on my shoulder before flicking her eyes behind me. "Fine ...come on" I groan wrapping my arm around Chris's and dragging him away.

"So you've never Jet skied before? I thought a rich kid like you would own multiple" Chris laughs as we stroll through the building...his company growing on me. "I'm not rich mom's rich. But no never jet skied ...have you rich kid?" I tease him back walking up to the floor to ceiling windows and looking out over the city of New York. "Oh multiple know when our parents go on a business trip maybe we could go and I'll teach you how to jet ski?" He asks me leaning against the window and sipping his drink. I pause looking down at my drink as a feeling of guilt washes over me. "Or ...we could go to the movies ...maybe bowling?" He asks again as the memory of my bowling date with Evan flashes through my head. "I em ...." "I'm sorry if I'm overstepping mom thought you were single and I just thought I would try you know" I look up at him as he smiles at me, my mind blank. Am
I single? I don't feel single ...I feel like I belong to Evan. And she belongs to me. "Kate can talk to me you know" he smiles at me as I huff out and look out the window "I ...don't know how to answer that. My girlfriend was ...Evan Parker?". I look up at him seeing the same look everyone gives me the minute I mention Evan ...sympathy. "I'm sorry kate" he drops his head as I swallow and quickly cut him off "no youv ...youv nothing to be sorry about I just ...I don't know how to answer that ...I feels like I'm betraying her". "How about ...we start as friends ...see where it goes? Just hang out pressure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable Kate ...and I'm sorry for your loss" he looks at me in a soft way as he places his hand on my shoulder. "There yous are...honey we are heading home soon so come say bye to Eleanor" turning my head I see Chris's mom stand in the doorway. "Ok mom I'm just coming let me say bye to Kate and I'll meet you's in there" Chris smiles at his mom as she turns and walks away. "Can I ...have your number? So we can hang out? You know just friends" he smiles as I nod and hand him my phone, the picture of Evan and I at the dance still my Lock Screen. "There and now you have my number too was a pleasure to meet you Kate. I look forward to hanging out with you" he smiles handing my phone back to me. "Same ...I'll message you" I smile as he pushes himself off the window and walks back to the party.

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