Where am i?

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Evan's PoV

Beep beep beep

What is that?

Beep beep beep

My body aches ... where am I?

I open my eyes and look round the room ....im in a really fancy medical centre of some sort. Moving my head too much causes a pain to shoot down my throat ...oh my god there's a tube down my throat. As I begin to panic a door opens and a girl stands there gobsmacked whilst she looks at me. "She's awake!" She beams walking over to me whilst others walk in behind her. What I'm assuming is a doctor walks over to me and asks me to tip my head backwards and remain calm as they remove the tube from my throat. When the tube finally is removed I begin to choke and cough. "Miss please remain calm ...everything is ok" this young girl says to me as I look up to her sitting on the hospital bed. "Where am I?" I croak feeling like my throat has been sanded down. "You're in New York...just not the New York your used to" she places her hand on my shoulder as I look at her. "What do you mean it's not the New York I'm used to?" I challenged her looking round the room and its advanced technology. "I'm not sure how you ended up here but I found you ...I had a feeling there was an abnormality in this universe and ...I found you. You've been asleep ever since ...well in a coma but sleeping just sounds better" she chuckles childlike as I watch her. "Wait? What? How long have I been here?" I ask her "three years". Hearing her say three years and the overwhelming feeling of the room causes me to black out ...falling back down on the table.

Kate's PoV

"Kate have you heard from MIT?" MJ asks me as we sit in the doughnut shop that she works in. "No ...have you?" I ask her lifting my mug up to my mouth and sipping the mediocre coffee. "Not yet ...the boys haven't either. To be honest with the schools being closed for a year and then having to repeat senior year all over again ...I didn't think we would actually make it this far you know?" I watch as MJ mindlessly wipes down the counter, resting my head in my hands. "I know ...I think we all needed that year out" I mutter stirring the tea spoon round my mug. "Have you still been training with Clint?" She asks me placing her elbows down on the counter. "Yeah but you know everything's been quite quiet since our school trip...and yeah it's not like there's loads of missions or anything to go on. So it's just training and working at my mom's company" I sigh hearing the doorbell ring before Peter and Ned walk in. "Hi guys" MJ thankfully changes the subject and looks to our friends who all walk over to us and take a seat. "hi beautiful...hi Kate" "hi friends" they great us with Peter leaning over the counter and placing a small kiss on MJ's lips. I look away feeling a powerful jealousy flood through my body. "Anybody heard from Yelena?" MJ asks as she reaches under the counter to grab two doughnuts for the boys. "No ...last I heard she was in Thailand" "last I heard she was in Morocco" Peter then Ned answers as I look at her "she's in Budapest ...I spoke to her this morning". "Did she say when she was coming back at all?" She asks me as I shrug. "Oh well ...just us four then" she claps as I look down sadly. It's been three years since Evan died...honestly in the beginning I didn't believe it. I was heavily in denial about the whole thing thinking she would appear making a joke about how she had died. But as time went on ...the reality hit me ...Evan wasn't coming back. It took them just over a year to get the schools up and running...a little while later we all had to resit our senior year. We went back to midtown which I can tell you ...was horrible...everywhere I looked reminded me of my Evan. We went on a school trip to France ...which ...honestly I wished I had just stayed home. Peter was given glasses by Tony and then he gave them to this guy and yeah the whole trip was a disaster. Then we came home and finished our exams...and graduated high school. The graduation ceremony was hard ...they had a special mention for Evan and although she graduated years ago ...she still belonged with us. I learnt that in the time I blipped ...Evan had volunteered with the police station. Was I pleased that meant she was around Gwen so much? Absolutely not but I'm proud that she went back to helping people. Even though she had a doctorate in physics ...she looked out for the small guy. Everyone also knows who Evan was ...and she's celebrated all around the world as the storm soldier who sacrificed her life to save the world...along with Natasha Romanoff. People make memorials of them ... paint their faces on the sides of buildings. Steve passed away a couple of years ago...after returning all the stones he lived out his life with Peggy and returned to us an old man. He passed on the shield to Sam who left with Bucky for a quieter life...not together ...but together. A museum was built for the three of them ...for Natasha ...for Steve and ...for my Evan. I haven't been ...I can't ...it's hard enough walking to work where I see Evan's face painted on the side of a wall several times. But yeh the avengers quietly separated and went on to live their own lives. Tony and pepper are still in their log cabin with Morgan, I visit them along with Peter and May. Morgan tells me stories about how Evan would have tea parties with her and how her dad would get jealous that she prefers Evan's Ben and jerrys flavour over his. So basically although Evan's gone ...she's everywhere and that makes it (not that I want to) hard to move on from her. "Kate are you coming to the movies tonight?" Peter asks me breaking me out of my thoughts. "Em ...I can't I have a party that I have to attend for my mom. What are yous going to see?" I ask them as Peter gives me a knowing look. "Sing 2" Ned yelps excitedly as I smile watching how happy and excited her is. "Well yous enjoy sing 2 but I should really head home and get ready" I nod standing up from my stool and grabbing my coat. "Will we see you tomorrow?" Mj asks as I pull the coat over my shoulders. "Yeah absolutely ...here? Same time?" I ask walking towards the door as they all look at me. "Kate wait" Peter jumps up from the stool and runs to the door as I push it open and step out into the cold winters afternoon. "What's up Peter?" I ask, my breath puffing out in a cloud. "You ok?" He asks me wrapping his arms around himself probably regretting not grabbing his jacket. "I'm fine ...I'm fine honestly" I lie pulling my beanie out of my bag and pulling it down on my head. "You know ...I miss her too. Not the way you do but ...I do miss her and although life has resumed ...it doesn't mean that there's not a space where she should be. I'm not wording this right but ..." "Peter I know ...it's just ...I'm fine honestly go back inside" I push him playfully seeing his teeth chatter. "Message me and send me pictures of your party. Oh may is demanding you come for dinner tomorrow" he smiles heading back inside in a hurry.

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