And i storm soldier

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Evan's PoV

I watch as Tony fits all the infinity stones into a gauntlet made with nano tech. It's amazing what Tony can do with this technology. In the push of a button on my bracelet...a whole suit surrounds's really impressive. "All right the gloves ready" rocket mutters looking over the floating gauntlet. "Question is who is going to snap their freakin fingers?" I click my tongue realising one of us has to do this. "I'll do it" Thor walks forward clearly still intoxicated. "Excuse me?" Tony asks him as he stumbles forward as they all place their hands up to stop him. "Woah" "Thor just ...just wait. We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet" Steve explains pointing at the gauntlet. "Oh I'm sorry. Are we all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?" Thor asks full of sarcasm as he smiles. "We should at least discuss it" Scott argues back as I cross my arms. "Look, sitting here staring at the thing isn't going to bring everybody back. I'm the strongest avenger ok? So this responsibility falls on me" Thor slurs pointing at himself. "Buddy it's not that" I try reasoning with him and walking towards him "sparky! My little sparky! Just ...just let me do it.please... let me do something good. Something right". Whilst I look at Thor worried at how lost he's become ...Tony taps me on the shoulder and looks at him "it's not the fact that the glove has enough power to blow up a continent. I'm telling're in no condition". "What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor asks still holding onto me. "Corona?" I ask him hearing Rhodey laugh as Thor directs his glare from Tony to me. "Lightning" he corrects me as Tony fires back "Thor buddy there's more lightning in your little apprentice here than you right now so please sit this one out". "Lightning won't help you pal. It's got to be me. You saw what those stones did to thanos. They almost killed him. None of you could survive" Bruce interrupts everyone as we all fall silent and watch him walk to the gauntlet. "How do we know it won't kill you?" Steve asks knowing the only one who stands a chance is Bruce "we don't...but the radiations mostly gamma. It's like ....i was made for this".

"Good to go? Yeah?" Tony asks Bruce as we all stand and prepare for what's about to happen. "Let's do it" Bruce asserts holding the gauntlet in his massive hands. "Okay...remember ...everyone thanos snapped away five years ago... your just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years" Tony clarifies staring at Bruce as I move next to him. "Got it" Bruce confirms as everyone moves into place around him. Steve stands with his shield at the ready. Scott presses a button on his suit as the antman helmet shoots over his head. Rhodey powers up the war machine suit pulling the mask over his face. Rocket hides behind Thor ...who of course stands proudly. I push the button on the bracelet Tony gave me as my suit made of nano tech surrounds my body...the half mask rising up under my miniature version of stormbreaker at the ready to shield me. Tony stands next to Clint, he launches the iron man suit which smothers his body as him and Clint hide behind a shield. Bruce nods as Tony speaks to Friday "Friday do me a favour and activate Barn Door Protocol, will ya?". "Yes boss" Friday announces as the whole compound shuts ...doors...anyway of an exit. "Everybody comes home" Bruce mutters placing his hand into the glove as if quickly expands around his large hand. As the glove finishes expanding ...a course of infinity stone coloured lightning shoots up bruces arm. Bruce falls to the floor, groaning in pain as Thor panics "take it off! Take it off!". "Bruce are you ok?" Steve shouts as Tony adds in "talk to me banner". After several groans of pain Bruce finally replies "I'm ok". A loud crash is heard from outside the room we are in but we are all to captivated watching Bruce about to snap his fingers. Bruce roars ...bringing his hand up in the air and snaps his fingers before falling to the ground unconscious.

I stand next to Clint as everyone rushes to Bruce's aid. A buzzing is heard on the desk as Clint's eyes shoot to the ringing phone. "Clint who is it?" I ask him as he walks over and looks at the phone. I watch as Clint's eyes tear up as he picks up his phone and answer it "honey?". "Guys...I think it worked" turning my head I see Scott looking out the windows at a group of birds fluttering around a tree. One moment of peace...a split moment of happiness ...before rockets hit the compound. Explosion after explosion going off around us as smoke and fire clouds our vision.

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